17 billion MNT fine to fuel importers under review

Fuel importer companies were in collusion with each other resulting in the increase of fuel prices by up to 230 MNT last January.

Inspectors of the Agency for Fair Competition and Consumers Rights inspected the case and imposed 17 billion MNT fine for the fuel importers` illegal actions. B.Lkhagva, who was appointed as the Chairman of Agency for Fair Competition and Consumers Rights last May, annulled the fine as it was not proved whether the fuel importers were in fact in collusion with each other in order to increase fuel prices.

O.Magnai, the new chairman of the Agency for Fair Competition and Consumers Rights announced that the details of the fine imposed on the fuel importers would be brought to light.

He also said that “the 17 billion MNT fine to fuel importers will be discussed at the meeting of the member of the Managing Board of the Agency for Fair Competition and Consumers Rights on December 3rd.

Former Managing Board members of the Agency for Fair Competition and Consumers Rights are accused of annulling the 17 billion MNT fine to fuel importers with absolutely no justification or calculations, causing chaos among members of the public who are being investigated as suspects. Unofficially it is said that those close to the matter including former chairman of the Board for Fair Competition and Consumers Rights, B.Lkhagve, a member of the Managing Board, S.Enkhbaatar and other people related to the case are suspected as being involved.

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