Mongolia Brief April 1, 2014

Journalists are Trained Here

April 1 (MONTSAME) A training for Burmese journalists launched Monday in

The initiated
by the Mongolia President's Office training is being run by the EBI Think-Tank
institute, attracting 20 journalists from the biggest media organizations of

Within the
five-day action, the participants are learning Mongolian experiences in
democracy, for instance, a political situation during the transition period,
social and economic situation, first democratic and free election, adoption of
the first democratic Constitution, privatization, mining sector, legal reform,
monetary and financial policies, health and education system and a press
freedom. They are also exchanging views on these matters.

A head of the
Presidential Office P.Tsagaan addressed the Burmese media, followed by the
first president of Mongolia P.Ochirbat.

Recycling Initiatives Discussed

April 1 (MONTSAME) A meeting ran Monday to discuss the UB city's waste
classification and recycling initiatives.

Its organizers
were an environmental working group of the Mongolian Business Association, Ministry
of Nature, Environment and Green Development, and Center for Freshwater
Reserves and Nature Conservation. They thoroughly discussed the capital city’s
action plans for waste management and recycling, explored ways to coordinate
these initiatives, informed each other about waste recycling processes, and
shared views on how to supply classified waste to relevant entities.

After this, an
internal auditor of Ulaanbaatar Public Utilities Authority Ch.Enkhjargal
highlighted the city action plans for waste management and recycling and
answered questions.

School Gets Facilities

April 1 (MONTSAME) A school has created a comfortable environment for its
pupils,  Zuunbayan-Ulaan soum of Ovorkhangai province.

Some 68 million
togrog were issued by the Ministry of Education and Sciences for this
renovation. The school has acquired physics cabinet, a complex tool kit for
physical training, kitchen facilities, beds, desks, chairs and wardrobes.

some construction works of 32 million are planned to run within this academic
year such as outdoor landscaping and teacher development center as a
preparation for the soum's 80th anniversary.

Woman Wins Golden Cup at Asian Darts Tour

April 1 (MONTSAME) Mongolian D.Erdenechimeg bagged a gold medal in women
singles event of the 10th Asian Darts Association (ADA) International Tour in
Hong Kong.

She also
grabbed a bronze medal in women’s top gun event of the tour, while her teammate
Sh.Gan-Erdene came third in men singles event on March 29.

The Mongolian
team reached a bronze Cup as well in the last event of the threesome team
challenge of the tour.

The 10th ADA
International Darts Tour was hosted in the KITEC Kowloonbay International Trade
and Exhibition Centre Rotunda Hall 3 of Hong Kong on March 28-30.

proposed into the controversial Law on Tobacco Control

April 1 (
New amendments are supposed to be made into the Law on Tobacco Control that has
been the subject of public debate since it became effective on March 1st,

delivered a request to the Government asking to conduct a poll on possible amendments
into the Law on Tobacco Control Mongolia. The Law on Tobacco Control was
initiated by female parliamentarian L.Erdenechimeg before it was passed by
Parliament, in particular female MPs. 

However the Law
on Tobacco Control caused public outcry due to its harsh restriction of tobacco
use, unveiled adverts in public places during a year period since it was
effective. Smokers especially complain that the law is too broad as in the law
there is no allowance for smoking areas to be permitted. Most complaints are
because the law prohibits the use and trade of tobacco in the places less than
500 meter from schools and kindergartens. 

Several MPs
have submitted a draft law to make new amendments into the Law on Tobacco
Control Mongolia and delivered it to the Government with the intention of a
poll being held.  They plan to submit the draft law to be discussed in the
spring session meeting of Parliament that is scheduled to begin on April

Fourth Part of Przewalski’s Horses from Prague Zoo
to Be Delivered to Mongolia in Late June of 2014  

April 1
( According to International Takhi­Group Office in Mongolia, the Prague Zoo plans to transfer four more Przewalski’s or Takhi horses to Mongolia in upcoming June, which were brought from several Europeanzoos and release them to the wild in their home country, Mongolia.

The Przewalski’s four species will be transported by a Czech military plane CASA and under project continuous the Czech Environment Ministry is assisting in collaboration of Mongolian Embassy in Prague
and the International Takhi­Group.

In order to preserve and grow the number of endangered wild horses, the Prague Zoo has been contributing to breed Przewalski’s horses since 1932 and has kept the international pedigree book of this
species since 1959.

Since 2011, the Prague Zoo has delivered a total of 12 Takhi horses to Mongolia, the first four species were released at Khomyn Tal (valley) in Zavkhan Aimag in June 2011, the second and third deliveries were set free at the Takhiin Tal in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area, the territory of Bugat Sum of Govi­Altai Aimag in July 2012 and July 2013 respectively.

Before, horses from Prague Zoo were transported to Khovd Aimag Airport from which to reach the final destination of Takhiin Tal by auto transportation, so this year the military plane intends to have a direct flight to Govi­Altai Aimag that would save time and the horses need not undergo a many­hour journey to the acclimatization enclosure.

Mongolian wild horses ­ Takhi 

The first five Przewalski’s horses have been brought in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in 1992 under the German­funded Christian Oswald Foundation, which was beginning of implementation the Project to re­introduce the Przewalski’s horses in Mongolia.  

Until 2009, the population development was positive and the population grew up to 137 free­ranging individuals in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area. However, the winter in 2009­2010 was the worst wintering in Govi­Altai Aimag with very cold temperatures and frequent snow storms that resulted in a massive die­off of all domestic livestock, with local herders loosing between 50­100% of their animals. Coherently, the small re­introduced Przewalski’s horse population was also almost eradicated, whereas there were 137 Przewalski’s horses by the end of December 2009, after the severe “Dzud” conditions in late winter only 48 wild horses were survived.  

Thereafter, in order to grow the population, International Takhi­Group in collaboration with the Government of Mongolia and other organs have been implementing the Project to acclimatize endangered animals in its home land by exchanging species from/to Mongolia, where zoos of Austria, China, Czech, Germany, Japan, Switzerland and United Kingdom are closely cooperating and inter­shipment started
since 1990s.  

At present, about 1,900 Przewalski’s horses live all over the world, including some 450 heads in three national parks in Mongolia according to October 2013 census, whereas approximately 300 heads at Khustai National Park in Tuv Aimag, over 40 at Khomyn Tal in Zavkhan Aimag and about 90 species at Takhiin Tal in Govi­Altai Aimag. extends its appreciation to Manager of International Takhi­Group Office in
Mongolia, Mr. N.Enkhsaikhan for providing with detailed data and additional information.  


Meets Provincial Residents

April 1 (MONTSAME) The Parliament Speaker Z.Enkhbold met with inhabitants of
Ovorkhangai aimag in its drama theater March 30.

The Speaker
highlighted air pollution in the province center Arvaikheer town and informed
the gathered that the town will have a united centralized thermal plant instead
of current 13 steam boilers, "and this will reduce the pollution".

He also spoke
about a policy reforms of the highest legislative body of the nation.

The gathered
asked the Speaker about Government bonds, Oyu Tolgoi agreements and commodity

The Speaker's
working tour to several provinces ended on Monday. He was accompanied by
D.Ganbat and R.Burmaa MPs, and Kh.Battulga, Minister of Industry and

to Study Experiences in Philippines

April 1 (MONTSAME) A parliamentary delegation left Monday for the Philippines
to get familiarized with the country’s regulations in medicine, laws, legal
environment for medicine products and foods factories.

The MPs D.Battsogt,
Z.Bayanselenge, D.Sarangerel and Ya.Sodbaatar intend to witness how the state
policy influence on medicine market monitoring, how to set up a regulatory
agency regarding the  medicine, what the roles are of parliament and
ministries in controlling it, and how foods and drugs factories are managed.

multifunctional body of regulating medicine expressed a willingness to render a
support to Mongolia in some relevant works.

Mongolia has
not reached big achievements yet in controlling the medicines flow but has been
registering their import and export and been adhering standards for the last 20

Attends Opening of New Center

April 1 (MONTSAME) In frames of his working to aimags, the Chairman of State
Great Khural (parliament) Z.Enkhbold participated last weekend in a ceremony of
opening a new inter-soum center.

The center,
created between Buutsagaan and Bayanlig soums in Bayankhongor aimag, is a part
of the "New soum" programme, reflected in the 2012-2016 action
programme of the government.

construction of the new center has taken ten months. It has a hospital with 20
beds, a secondary school for 640 pupils, a kindergarten for 150 children, a
dormitory for 180 pupils, the soums’ administration office and a sports

in Bayankhongor

April 1 (MONTSAME) The Speaker of parliament Z.Enkhbold got acquainted with
activities of the Civil Reception Center at the administration of Bayankhongor
aimag last Sunday.

After this, the
Speaker and accompanying him delegates attended an opening of a diagnostic
center equipped with the latest facilities and apparatus. Some 180 million
togrog has been spent for this center, which is suited to the province
population and to to run early diagnosis with less cost.

The same day,
the Speaker held a meeting with 600 local people in the Musical and Drama
theatre to highlight parliament's autumn session work and policies focused on

to Support Construction of 200 Apartments in Khentii

April 1 (MONTSAME) During his visit to Khentii province, the Prime Minister
N.Altankhuyag attended a live TV broadcast on Monday.

Citizens Representatives Khural chairman S.Purevdorj and governor J.Oyunbaatar
joined the Prime Minister in this broadcast to answer questions.

The PM noted
that his Government has been paying attention to promoting of industrialization
in the country and to supporting of private sectors in this direction.

livelihood, eliminated bureaucracy and increased up-building are main goals of
the Government, Mr Oyunbaatar noted, the province is also striving to achieve
these goals. The provincial administration has been running weekly briefing
meetings with the Prime Minister and Government officials, he added. 

The aimag will
host "Altargana" international festival to promote folk art and
culture of the Buryat people this July under auspices of the Prime Minister,
informed Mr Khuderbaatar, an advisor to the PM.

Khentii is one
of several aimags to implement a construction project of thousand apartments,
and the Government will render a support for a construction of 100-200 apartments
within this year, the PM said. “The Government is also planning to involve
private houses in its annual 8% interest loan program”.

Meets Delegation of FHWien University

April 1 (MONTSAME) Mayor of Ulaanbaatar city E.Bat-Uul Monday received a
delegation of Austria’s FHWien University.

The sides
exchanged views on founding a university in Ulaanbaatar to prepare city matters
experts together with the University, where the Mayor noted that a quality
of some universities does not meet the expectation.

Expressing a
satisfaction with prospects to collaborate with the city in establishing the
university, its administrative office head Dr Christian Kropfitsch said
"now we should work out proposals and reach agreements on realizing this

The Mayor
proposed that the university is erected in the city's western side to which the
city administration will move in 2016.

Receives Prize from APQN

April 1 (MONTSAME) Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation
(MNCEA) has received the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) Quality award 2014
for International Cooperation in Quality Assurance.

The president
of the APQN Mr Jagannath Patil handed over a prize to Kh.Batsaikhan, Vice Chairman
of the MNCEA, at the Networks conference recently organized in Hanoi of

The conference
was also attended by delegates of our Ministry of Education and Science and
several universities.

Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) was founded in 2003 with the purpose of
serving the needs of quality assurance agencies in higher education in a region
that contains over half the world's population. APQN functions as a regional
network of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher
Education (INQAAHE).

FC to Compete in 2014 AFC President's Cup and C

Matches to Be Held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

April 1
( On March 28, 2014, the Official Draw for AFC President's Cup
2014 was held at AFC House in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where 11 FCs will be
competing for the consecutive 10th championship.

earlier in November 2013 officially announced that this championship will be
the last event in its series and from next year the top six FCs of 2014 AFC President's
Cup will be playing in the 2015 AFC Cup play-offs.

According to
2014 Official Draw, 11 FCs were divided in three Groups, whereas:

A Group - Sri
Lanka Air Force (Sri Lanka), KRL FC (Pakistan), Sheikh Russel (Bangladesh) and
Ugyen Academy (Bhutan);

B Group - Ceres
FC (Philippines), HTTU Asgabat (International Turkmen-Turkish University),
Tatung FC (Taiwan, PR of China) and Rimyongsu (North Korea);

C Group -
Erchim FC (Mongolia), Manang Marshyangdi Club (Nepal) and Svay Rieng FC

The 2014 AFC
President's Cup will be commencing on May 01 until May 11, where each Group
will play on a single roundrobin basis and the C Group matches will be held in
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, which is marked the first and last event in Mongolian
football history. The winners and runners-up of each group are to advance to
the final stage to take place on September 22-28, 2014.

"Erchim” FC, the champion of the national 2011, 2012, 2013 "Super
Cup", champion of 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2013
"Niislel" National League (Premier League) football tournaments, has
been participating in the AFC President's Cup since 2012.

In 2012 AFC
President's Cup, Erchim FC played in A Group along with Taiwan and Pakistan
teams, but could not qualify for next final stage with only one points, where
Istiqlol Dushanbe FC (Tajikistan) become winner of the 2012 edition.

In 2013 AFC
President's Cup, Erchim FC also was drawn in A Group with Three Star Club
(Nepal), Taiwan Power Company (Taiwan, PR of China) and Abahani Limited Dhaka
(Bangladesh) teams. In this edition, Erchim qualified for final stage, but lost
to Balkan FC (Turkmenistan) by 0:4, where the latter team becomes champion of
the 2013 AFC President's Cup.


Master Athlete Wins 3 Gold in Budapest

April 1 (MONTSAME) The Mongolian T.Tserendolgor (76) won gold medals in three
events of the World Master Athletics Championship indoors 2014, held in
Budapest of Hungary March 26-29.

She led
contests of M45 shot put, M60 javelin throw and M70 discus throw that took
place on March 26. After the Budapest, Ms Tserendolgor headed for Belgium to
attend World Cup events.

Some 400
athletes from 72 countries competed in this indoor championship in Budapest.

of Mining Unions Established

April 1 (MONTSAME) A council of professional associations has been founded with
objectives to enhance mineral policies and legal environment, to develop
middle- and long-term programs as well as to plan relevant strategies.

improving public and private cooperation, the council will also assist public
organizations in decision-making. The Mining Minister D.Gankhuyag will lead the
newly-founded council, established under a cooperation of nearly twenty
mining-related organizations such as National Mining Association, Industry and
Geology Union and Exporters Association.

At the first
meeting, the council is planning to join the Committee for Mineral Reserves
International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO) in order to promote best practices
in the international reporting of mineral exploration results and to meet the
need for improvement in national reserve classification standards.

The Mining
Ministry has agreed to conclude a cooperation agreement with the joining
associations to reflect their opinions in its decisions.

Haidressers Become First At Int'l Contest

April 1 (MONTSAME) Mongolian hairdressers' team has received the first place
prize at "Linia Krasoti" international hairdressers' contest which
ran in Russian Irkutsk last week.

Mongolia was
represented by seven professionals led by Ts.Tsogzolmaa, a head of the
Mongolian Association of Hairdressers and Beauticians.

The contest ran
in 14 categories with more than 200 participants from Germany, China, Mongolia,
Poland and Russia.

Our O.Bolormaa
has taken the first place in the man’s hairstyle category, while D.Ariunaa and
S.Amarjargal have become the second and the third in the woman’s hairstyle
category. By the teams results the Mongolians have been named as the

These days the
hairdressers are preparing for the World Hairdressing Championship which will
be hosted in Frankfurt of Germany this May 3-4.

Justice Minister sentenced for interfering with investigation

April 1
( Deputy Justice Minister E.Erdenejamiyan heard the charges against him
and the sentence on Monday in the First Primary Criminal District Court on
March 31st. The First Primary Criminal District Court has suspended Deputy
Justice Minister E.Erdenejamiyan`s civil service for two years and has imposed
fines of 60 times the low-labor wage. 

The Independent
Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia initiated an investigation because of
a letter sent by the Deputy Justice Minister to Interpol last year. The letter
was believed to ask Interpol to stop the investigation of former president
N.Enkhbayar`s sister N.Enkhtuya, and her assistant B.Khuyag. After the letter
was sent Interpol announced that it had halted the investigation into the

The Deputy
Justice Minister was convicted as his act interfered with the investigation and
slowed the inquiry process. 

On Tuesday the
Secretary General of the Mongolian People`s Revolutionary Party (MPRP)
G.Shiilegdamba did not agree with the Court decision about the Deputy Justice
Minister and announced an appeal the Appeal Court during a press conference on
April 1st. 

families to hunger strike

April 1
( An appeal is scheduled to be heard at the Appeal Court of the City on
April 8th by green activists of Gal Undesten (Fire nation) Ts.Munkhbayar and
others who were sentenced to 21.6 years. The activities were sentenced for
firing a gun shot, placing a bomb in state special protected area, assaulting
civil servants, and attempted to threaten public security.

Families of the
environmentalists, including mothers and wives, have decided to call a hunger
strike in front of the Court building if the Court does not issue a plea. 

activist Z.Enkhsaikhan`s wife commented on Tuesday; “I believe the Appeal Court
panel will be fair and not be influenced by State Prosecutor General D.Dorligjav.
If the Appeal Court does not offer a plea to our husbands, fathers and sons we
will call a hunger strike. We will do it until justice wins.”

environmental movement held a protest in September 2013 against amendments
being made into the Law to Prohibit Mineral Exploration and Mining Operations
at the Headwaters of Rivers, Protected Zones of Water Reservoirs and Forested
Areas, the only significant Mongolian law protecting nomadic herders"
traditional lands and watersheds from further radioactive and chemical
contamination, diversions of rivers and land-grabbing. The protest ended up
with the arrest of the key members of the movement. 

The-two day
long trial in January 2014 finally issued a decision and sentenced
Ts.Munkhbayar, G.Boldbaatar, D.Tumurbaatar and J.Ganbold each to a 21.6 year
jail term and 2 years to M.Munkhbold. Two other suspects; O.Sambuuyondon and
B.Gantulga`s were acquitted.

-2014” cycling tour

April 1
( Shiliin Bogd cycling club is organizing a two-month “Friendship
-2014” cycling tour that will cross through Mongolia-Russia-Buryatia from June

The idea was
initiated by a member of the Mongolian National Olympic Committee, the head of
Shiliin Bogd cycling club, Sh.Enkh-Amar. 

“Friendship -
2014” cycling tour will start from Sukhbaatar province to cover 2100 km in
Mongolia and 1500 km in Buryatia. According to the cycling tour route approved
by the jury council of the Mongolian Adventure Travel Association, the cycling
tour will run through Sukhbaatar, Khentii, Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, Erdenet,
Bulgan, Khuvsgul provinces and pass through Khankh-Mond ports to Russia. The
cycling team will reach Tunkh, Baikal lake, and Ulan-Ude in Buryatia and pass
Ereentsav port in Dornod on the way back to Mongolia and finish in Sukhbaatar

Five cyclists
from Mongolia will be named next month. The Minister of Culture, Sport and
Tourism, the Mongolian National Olympic Committee, Mongolian Adventure Travel
Association, Governor`s office and Local Representative Khural in Sukhbaatar
province, and Shiliin Bogd club are supporting the  “Friendship - 2014”
cycling tour. 

labor market of Mongolia by 2020

April 1
(Mongolian Economy) Labor Exchange Central Office released its medium- and
long-term labor supply-demand forecast for 2020. The forecast was done in
collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Institute for Labour Studies, Human
Resoures Development Service of Korea and Gerege Partners.

According to
the forecast, the mining sector, which accounts for more than 90 percent of
exports, contributes to only four percent of employment in Mongolia. 

In 10 years
from now, the mining sector is projected to experience more growth. In this
time, however, labor demand from the mining industry is projected to be only
seven percent ¬¬– a three percent increase from current demand levels. 

Demand for
agricultural labour is also forecast to decline. This sector is predicted to
experience non-stop growth until 2022, however the advanced technologies are
resulting in labour demand decreases. 

Currently, the
agriculture sector employs more than 370,000 employees. In 10 years, this number
may fall by at least 50,000 employees.   

The forecast
concludes by suggesting that growing sectors do not necessarily translate to
increases in labour.  

But medium and
long term labor supply-demand forecast suggests the 10 next years will favour
those professional who are highly skilled.

2014 April Program

April 1
( Mongolian State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet (SATOB)
has released the 2014 April Program with "Carmen" opera starting.

The “Carmen”
opera in four acts by Georges Bizet was first staged in Mongolia by State Merit
Servant J.Burenbekh on April 05, 1984.

In this 2014
April edition, Aryuna Tsydenzhapova (Buryat national, mezzo-soprano) will be acting
as Carmen and State Merit Actor of Mongolia Enkhbat AMARTUVSHIN as Escamillo.

SATOB 2014 April Program

Saturday, April
05, 05:00 pm, “Carmen” opera by Georges Bizet

Sunday, April
06, 05:00 pm, “The Girl with Enamel Eyes” or "Coppelia” ballet by Leo

Saturday, April
12, 05:00 pm, “Carmen” opera by Georges Bizet

Sunday, April
13, 05:00 pm, “Giselle” ballet by A.Adam

Saturday, April
19, 05:00 pm, “Aida” opera by G.Verdi

Sunday, April
20, 05:00 pm, “Giselle” ballet by A.Adam

Saturday, April
26, 05:00 pm, “Aida” opera by G.Verdi

Sunday, April
27, 05:00 pm, “Uran Khas” ballet waltz by J.Chuluun

Mongol” Photo Exhibition Being Displayed in Tomsk by Russian Traveler

April 1
( The first solo photo exhibition themed "Great
Mongol" is displayed by a Russian traveler Igor Kondrashov at the House of
Scientists in Tomsk City from March 30 to April 30, 2014.

The amateur
photographer has collected more than 80 works, telling about the beauty and
diversity of the nature of Mongolia. The exhibit mainly features landscapes,
which were made during Igor Kondrashov geographical expeditions and tourist
trips since 2004.

During the
opening ceremony, I.Kondrashev noted, “The very first visit to Mongolia was in
2004, where I shoot everything, but I do not have any photos from the first

Closer to the
tenth year of my travel I realized the significance of photos and when I take
good pictures I really feel the nature and atmosphere in Mongolia that very
influenced me”.

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