July 30 (InfoMongolia) On July 30, 2012, the group meeting of "Justice" Coalition (MPRP-MNDP) group at the State Great Khural (Parliament) was held at the State Palace. The Chairman of this Parliament group N.Battsereg informed the reporters on the discussed matters of the meeting.
N.Battsereg said, "The "Justice" Coalition regulation was discussed and ratified with today's meeting.
With this regulation were established the regulations and principles that coordinate the procedures of members with internal affairs, other parties, groups and coalition and state systems, and were reflected articles regarding the group leader's legal authorities and responsibility and the order of meetings. Also, was discussed the adjuration matter of our party (MPRP) listed Parliament members.
O.Baasankhuu and Ts.Tsolmon will take their oaths at this week's plenary assembly meeting. However, the 7th party listed Ts.Oyunbaatar's adjuration has been temporarily postponed. This is due to the advice of lawyers to review the rationale released by the Constitutional Court on the particular candidate of N.Enkhbayar. Thus, the Coalition Administrative Council deems to re-address the Constitutional Court with the case of N.Enkhbayar. We will decide on our third member after the resolving of this matter."Also, the composition and membership of the Coalition Government will be discussed between the "Justice" Coalition and Democratic Party work groupings. Previously, during the concession work group meeting, it was negotiated to compound the Cabinet members by a 75-25 rationale. By this agreement, "Justice" Coalition will decide upon which members to recommend on which position of which Ministry within the Government composition.
N.Battsereg said, "The "Justice" Coalition regulation was discussed and ratified with today's meeting.
With this regulation were established the regulations and principles that coordinate the procedures of members with internal affairs, other parties, groups and coalition and state systems, and were reflected articles regarding the group leader's legal authorities and responsibility and the order of meetings. Also, was discussed the adjuration matter of our party (MPRP) listed Parliament members.
O.Baasankhuu and Ts.Tsolmon will take their oaths at this week's plenary assembly meeting. However, the 7th party listed Ts.Oyunbaatar's adjuration has been temporarily postponed. This is due to the advice of lawyers to review the rationale released by the Constitutional Court on the particular candidate of N.Enkhbayar. Thus, the Coalition Administrative Council deems to re-address the Constitutional Court with the case of N.Enkhbayar. We will decide on our third member after the resolving of this matter."Also, the composition and membership of the Coalition Government will be discussed between the "Justice" Coalition and Democratic Party work groupings. Previously, during the concession work group meeting, it was negotiated to compound the Cabinet members by a 75-25 rationale. By this agreement, "Justice" Coalition will decide upon which members to recommend on which position of which Ministry within the Government composition.
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