Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ The Prime Minister S.Batbold received on Monday Ms. Hillary R.Clinton, the US Secretary of State, in the Government House.

The Premier expressed satisfaction with Ms. Clinton's participation in the international forum on women's leadership and in the special meeting of the Governing Council of the Community of Democracies (CoD) in Ulaanbaatar. He thanked the USA for giving a support in strengthening of the democratic values and institution, and said that Mongolia as the leader of the CoD is making effort to spread the education for democracy and to strengthen the civil society.

“I am glad that our relations and cooperation have been intensifying in recent years. We have big opportunities to deepen the ties of the Third neighbor and to widen the relations in economic and commercial sectors,” the Premier said. Mongolia wants to expand the inter-citizen relations and to augment number of Mongolian students in the USA inorder to make better its human resources, he added.

S.Batbold put forward a suggestion that a meeting of former U.S. Ambassadors to Mongolia should be hosted in Ulaanbaatar in frames of the 25th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations.

In response, Ms. Clinton noted that Mongolia's economy, its relations and cooperation with the USA have been intensively developing in the last years. Mongolia is a model of the democracy in its region, she stressed.

She expressed a readiness to enhance the Mongolia-USA ties, sayng the two nations can boost the cooperation in the educational sector and inter-citizen relations. Ms. Clinton supported the PM's proposal about expanding the Fulbright scholarships and promised to study a possibility to continue projects through the Millennium Challenge Account.

The Premier S.Batbold asked the Secretary of State to pass his greeting to Mr. Bill Clinton, as former president of the USA, and hoped that he will visit Mongolia.



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