Students at Cleveland's Case Western Reserve University find a way to fix potholes with fluids

Potholes have become a problem for everyone, in every country. Potholes are, well, holes that are created in the tarmac of the road from heavy rains and constant pressure. Potholes are a serious driving issue, as they cause damage to vehicles and can even cause accidents if not avoided.

Students at Cleveland's Case Western Reserve University have come up with a genius solution to Potholes. Winning 1st place in a competition sponsored by Saint-Gobain. The solution is in a form of a liquid. The liquid is "oobleck. Oobleck is shear-thickening, sudden application of force causing the fluid to behave like a solid. Filling up the Pothole and resolving the problem.

Even though further test's need to be done. Its has been road tested and proven. although it does not prove to be a cheaper solution in the beginning but in the long run the reusable bag's and no need for Road Crew plus the instant application time. Proves to be an easier, more efficient and cheaper then the traditional way.

This is truly a break through in the Motor industry, as a new easier era of smoother roads approaches.

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