Gateway to Asia exhibition: Russian businesses in Mongolia

Gateway to Asia (Vorota v Azi u) exhibition will be organized in the Russian city of Irkutsk from March 27th to 29th . Over 60 prominent company representatives from Irkutsk will participate in the exhibition. This is the second time this exhibition is being held. It is organized by the administration of Irkutsk city. 

This is an interview with A. A. Sidorov, CEO of Business Contact. This company was founded in 2002 and runs operations in Mongolia – it has been 10 years since the company began contributing to Mongolia and Russia’s business relationship.

Please introduce the Russian companies that will be present at the exhibition. 

There are a number of Russian companies that Mongolians are very familiar with at the exhibition. For example, Belorechenskoye, an egg producing company, and Yanta, which has been exporting mayonnaise to Mongolia for a long time now.

I’m also pleased to say that representatives from Irkutsk universities will be at the exhibition. Additionally, there is a new company entering the Mongolian-Russia trade which produces chicken. It seems that Mongolia purchases all its chicken from China and I can assure you, chicken from Russia has better a taste and quality. 

What can you say about the organizers of the exhibition?

From the Mongolian side, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and from the Russian side, the Irkutsk State Administrations are supporting the exhibition. This move shows significant progress between Mongolian and Russian businesses and economic relationships. Recently, Mongolia held a business exhibition in Irkutsk. Gateway to Asia is a friendly reply from Russia. 

Will there be representatives from the mining sector or perhaps from the meat business at the exhibition? 

Yes, for example Rudoremontni Zavod is participating in the exhibition mainly to supply mining equipment and machinery and also provide technical knowledge on repairing mining equipment. As for meat, I am wondering what will happen as the price of meat is skyrocketing in Mongolia right now. The Russian Minister of Agriculture will be present at Gateway to Asia so I’m sure he will talk about this. 

It is known that since there are constant problems and delays with customs, taxes and visas between the tow countries. Will there be a discussion specifically designated to resolve these sorts of issues?

Yes, these were always been a set of difficult problems for both Mongolia and Russia. There will be businessmen and administrative personnel present at the exhibition and of course this will be discussed. I think the Altanbulag area will play significant role in erasing delays within customs. If a business center is created there traders will be able to communicate with each other with no barriers.

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