Top 10 ugliest cars in the world!

There are many beautiful pieces of art work in the automotive world. From gorgeous Alphas to stunning Austin Martins, however there is unfortunately occasionally a car designer who comes out ( in an attempt to reinvent the wheel) with such a monstrosity such an ugly beast, we have to laugh and think, WTF were they thinking.

Number 10.

There are many things communism brought us, like war, human rights offenses and general propaganda. But the USSR has also brought us a string of rubbish cars and the yugo is no exception. Having being designed but a kinder garden child and built by his grade 1 brother the Yugo is sure crap.

Number 9
Pontiac Aztek.

Built on the platform of a power ranger car and a used condom, the Aztek is about as pretty as Tom Selleck's mustache. Meant to be a luxury SUV it has served as a what not to do when designing a car in America.

Number 8
Chevrolet Chevette.

This Chevrolet is what happens when a raccoon mates with a hatch sedan. It is so ugly that when it drives in rich neighborhoods, children run in terror, dogs bark and the mail man is no were to be seen. Is has a chassis made of butter and an engine for pure failer add all this together and you get lex luthars turd.

Number 7.
Ford KA.

Yes even nowadays we get it wrong and boy was this wrong. A love child between a Fiesta and a monkey produces a car that look like a baboons ass. Nothing much else to say about it.

Number 6.
Ford Pinto.

Dam what were they thinking, when they designed this car it must have been nearly 5 o'clock, so they wanted to knock off early and just stuck an ice cream carton with wheels and Presto a Pinto.

Number 5.
AMC Pacer.

This car is like my Asian friend, ug-lee.
It is all most as bad as watching mamma mia again and again and again. This car is soo bad staring at it long enough will give you death and Herpis.

Number 4.
AMC Matador.

Despite its name it has no spanish blood in fact it has Bill Bob Thortens blood. If cars were people this would be the fat hill billy with no teeth, mullet, beer in one hand shot gun in the other and a bad attitude. Dam no love for this sh*t.

Number 3
Nissan homy supper long.

A mini van perfect for pedaphiles kidnappers and woman with bad choice in men. Not only is it as ugly as cleaning a pigs sty it also has a bad name I mean come on sounds like the name to a porn title rather than a car. And on the back were the name tag is placed from far the "m" looks just like a "rn", run away kids run very away.

Number 2
1899 Horsey Horseless.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha idiots hahahhaahahahahahahaha even the name is ... Hahahahahahahahahahah shame. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
That is all you can say about that one.

Number 1
AMC Gremlin.

This car is a crime against nature, people, life and its parents. The designers of this car after it was built should move to Chille change there names, create a new life and new identity. It is crap ugly poorly built and as fast, nimble and agile as a office block on a skateboard driven by a brick. And realy you would have to be a brick to buy one, once I saw one my eyes burnt for days.

I guess its like, stonehenge, stupid, ugly no one knows what its for and after all this time no one gives a fudge cakes about it, I think this car killed AMC, amongst other things.


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