Sex, Breakfast of Champions [hopeful title of a James Hunt movie]

F1 has had a slew of good drivers, most of them remembered for their epic driving skills, but only one was remembered for his attitude, James "The Shunt" Hunt.

Quick facts: rich, drunk, smoked, smart, was good at every sport especially racing. Dominated F3 and was brought into F1 by Hesketh Racing. Ever heard of Hesketh racing? Well they weren't really an orthodox F1 team. Wholly sponsored by Lord Hesketh, the team ran without sponsors, a teddy bear for a logo, half naked ladies painted on the cars, an ex used car sales man named bubbles for a crew chief and a habit for celebrating till they're piss faced drunk even if they lost. Hesketh was a team who entered just to have fun, hence their appointment of James Hunt. Hunt was an ambassador for the Hesketh lifestyle, a prime example being the attachment to his de-sponsored fire suit a badge that proudly read "Sex, Breakfast of Champions." In terms of race records, Hunt was famous for crashing, hence the nickname "Shunt". Of course a reckless train-wreck of a combination like this was more for entertainment than serious race contention, so it came as a surprise to all when Hunt won for them at Silverstone in 74. Another win followed in 75 at the Dutch GP but before Hesketh could celebrate, the funds ran low and Hunt was seatless for 76.

L-R: Lord Hesketh, Hunt, Bubbles and some random dude

In 76, McLaren had a seat available after Fittipaldi went racing for his brother's team and a reluctant McLaren eventually hired Hunt for little to no money. After a couple strings of success, McLaren soon realised that Hunt was a good decision as he was hot on the heels of '75 champion Ferrari driver, Niki "Rat Man" Lauda. It was neck and neck between the two until Lauda had a near death crash at the Nurburgring. The crash which took away Lauda's eyelids, right ear and then sent him into a coma, also gave Hunt a chance for the title. Unfortunately Hunt suffered car failure or poor performances, to make things even worse, Lauda woke up out of the coma and returned to racing in 6 weeks. Lauda, still recovering from burns to his face, brought the title chase to the end where Hunt was a mere 3 points behind. Hunt eventually won by 1 point, but not the way most people wanted to see it end, Niki Lauda had to quit the race on lap 3 do to his eyelids malfunctioning.

James talking to teh rat man

After his close call in 76, Hunt's career went downhill and left F1 in 79. Hunt eventually found his way back into F1 but as a commentator, which he still did in James Hunt style. He eventually died in 1993 from a heart attack at the age of 45, despite quiting from his earlier lifestyles of drinking, partying and smoking.

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