Job Fair 2016 connects employers and employees


The Mongolian National Art Gallery’s 3rd floor was more crowded than usual with employers hoping to attract talented individuals looking for jobs.

Stands from leading local and international companies, such as the German Mongolian Institute of Technology, UA Consulting LLC, Golomt Bank, Naran Trade LLC, Terra Express, as well as six Ulaanbaatar districts’ labour bureaus, were set up at the Job Fair 2016.

Representatives and recruiters of business organizations introduced available job positions and handed out brochures, namercard and application forms to visitors.

Mongolia and German Bridge NGO is organizing the Job Fair 2016 on February 25 and 26, along with the Center for International Migration Development. This year’s fair had invited alumnae associations from many different countries, while the seven previous job fairs focused on alumnae from German universities only.

Each Job Fair session includes a half-day conference with professionals from state organizations, private companies in human resource management and employment services, and the Ulaanbaatar Labour Deparment.

Khangai, a board member of Mongolia and German Bridge NGO stressed, “We aim to help graduates meet all employers in one venue. The fair gives opportunities for both graduates and employers to find what they want.”

Companies today tend to send their request for talented, energetic and committed employees to human resource management companies for better recruitment.

During the conference, Batmunkh, the Head of National Employment Service, Research and Information Center, emphasized the need for better human resource management organizations that can connect employers and job seekers.

He added that people looking for jobs should be able to send their resumes to recruitment agencies while they study abroad for reliable jobs to avoid a long-term gap in employment. To address this need, UA Consulting Company focuses on each CV they receive in detail to find prospective employers for their clients.

HR Club’s founder Bayarmagnai notes that in order to be employed, candidates must be passionate about their jobs and respect the organization’s culture. Employers look for creative and enthusiastic workers who can make a long-term comittment to a company, he said.

There is a preconceptions that employers only want workers with many years of experience, which discourages younger job seekers from applying to the positions they really want. Bayarmagnai noted that some companies value attitude towards work higher than experience.

If newly graduates want to learn and have a good attitude, most companies are ready to train them with the skills and experiences they need, he added.

During the discussion session at the fair, participants raised a common concern about choosing the right profession that fits into the current labor market demand. Statistic and practice show that career opportunities are more open to doctors, engineers and more specialized professions in Mongolia.

Recruiters said that more people tend to specialize in business administration, marketing and law in foreign countries. Though Mongolian institutions offer programs for these professions, recruiters believe that it is better for people to choose a profession that is in demand.

The organizers of the fair noted that the success of the previous fairs resulted in increased number of participants and visitors this year.

The Job Fair 2016 participants and organizers said they expect more tangible results in professional networking, employment intermediary and an expansion of databases for recruiters.

Mongolia and Germany Bridge NGO was established by a group of Mongolian graduates from German universities in 1999 with the purpose to distribute knowlegde through talented and educated Mongolians who live all over the world.

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