68 Thousand New Workers Registered this Year

As a result of the project “A Year for Support of Employment” established by the Government of Mongolia, 68071 mongolians – 29 thousand of which are female, have been registered as employed as of December 2nd this year.

Number of new workers by region is as follows:

Western Provinces: 8424
Eastern Provinces: 4855
Khangai region: 11423
Central region: 11281
Ulaanbaatar city: 32088

Khovd province registered the most new workers among the Western Provinces with 1898. Dornod led the Eastern provinces with 2031. Arkhangai province lead the Khangai region with 2293 while Tuv province lead the Central area with 2349 new workers. Majority of the new workers (12602) have been employed in the construction industry.

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