Mongolia Brief March 31, 2014

Medals from Judo Grand Prix, Samsun 2014

March 31
( Mongolian 14 judokas have participated in the Judo Grand
Prix, Samsun 2014 that took place in Turkey on March 28-30, 2014.

Mongolian judo
team competed in the Women’s three and Men’s five weight divisions, but
unfortunately nobody won a medal and the highest successful result was placing
in the fifth place by D.Altansukh in the Men’s 66 kg, he was defeated in the
Bronze medal contest to Brazilian wrestler Charles Chinaba.

The Judo Grand
Prix, Samsun 2014 by overall score was led by German team with 4 Gold, 4 Silver
and 4 Bronze, followed by France (3+1+4) and Russia (2+1+2).

Final Results
for Men’s 66 kg

David (FRA)

2. KORVAL, Loic

Charles (BRA)

3. OATES, Colin

5. Dovdon

Sinan (TUR)

7. HAGYO, Gabor


Fifth place by
D.Altansukh in the Men’s 66 kg (blue)

Meeting in Brief

March 30 (MONTSAME) At its regular meeting on Friday, the cabinet decided to
submit to parliament a draft resolution on a state policy on education. This is
an alteration of the state policy on education which was passed in 1995, and it
reflects a long-time policy and directions that meet a present time’s needs and

- The cabinet
decided to submit to parliament a draft new wording of the law on crime and other
related amendments. The new wording amends 69 contents that aim to make clear
some norms and correct some non-understandable terms.

- The cabinet
discussed a draft new wording of the law on combating violence in families and
draft amendments to some related laws, and then decided to submit them to
parliament. Adopted in 2004, the law is required to be amended because it
neglects a procedure of protecting the security of victims and their family
members and makes it trouble to properly tackle this kind of crime.

- The cabinet
decided to submit to parliament a draft amendment to the law on criminal
procedure. The cabinet also discussed a bill on Mongolian language initiated by
M.Batchimeg MP and other parliamentarians, and then decided to convey proposals
and conclusion on the bill to the draft initiators. Related Ministers have put
forward 11 principal proposals to the bill.

- In accordance
with a cabinet decision, money will be allotted from the package of the
Minister of Culture, Sport and Tourism for events of the Mongolia-China
cultural week in frames of the 65th anniversary of the Mongolia-China
diplomatic relations and the 20th anniversary of the Treaty on Friendly
Relations and Cooperation.

to Act as Co-Founder of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

March 31
( The regular Cabinet meeting of the Government of Mongolia
was held on March 28, 2014, where one of the issues revised was to accept the
proposal of the Government of China to participate in the creation of the Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as Founder.

The initiation
to create the AIIB was announced by the President of the PR of China Xi Jinping
just before the October 2013 APEC meeting in Bali that aims to promote the
economic integration of Asia Pacific and provide financial support for infrastructure
construction in developing countries in Asia.

In order to
create the Bank some developing economies in Asia such as Mongolia, Pakistan
and Sri Lanka were invited to act as co-founders of the Bank and the Government
of Mongolia at its Friday Cabinet meeting resolved to accept the proposal,
where Mongolia’s Minister of Finance Ch.Ulaan is entrusted to submit relevant documents
for further steps of approval.

According to
the OECD estimation made in 2011, it was calculated the global infrastructure
requirements over the next two decades would cost around 50 trillion USD and
the Asian Development Bank estimates that developing Asian economies need to
invest 8 trillion USD from 2010 to 2020, just to keep pace with expected
infrastructure needs.

In October
2013, the Government of China proposed setting up an Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank and if it happens the benefits could be enormous for everyone
and in time the impact could be greater than both the Asian Development Bank
and the World Bank.


Responsibility and Implementation” Meeting Runs

March 30 (MONTSAME) The “Monitoring, responsibility and implementation” monthly
online meeting was held Friday.

It was chaired
by D.Tsogt-Ochir, first deputy head of the Cabinet Secretariat for Government.

participants reported that the governmental service machine (GSM) has launched
to register applicants to book apartments in the “Buyant-Ukhaa” apartment town.
It managed to abolish a long queue of the applicants and other problems.

The cabinet for
reforms has resolved a capital of MNT 1.2 billion for buying medical facilities
and equipment to do liver transplantation surgeries. Thus, the liver
transplantation team at the #1 Central Hospital has successfully performed 12
such surgeries so far together with doctors of the S.Korean “Asan” medical

emphasized that the procurement actions must be done urgently. By March 25 of
this year, plans and budgets of 38.6%of 127 projects and measures have not been
conveyed from Ministries, and these projects shall be realized by the
Procurement Agency.

It was reported
that constructions works and road works will be launched from April. So, the
related Ministries and organizations must take urgent measures for these works.

Specialists Convene

March 31 (MONTSAME) A meeting of information technology (IT) specialists
working in public organizations was held at the State Residence last Friday.

Organizers of the
event were Information Technology, Post and Communication Authority and
National Data Center.

Attending the
meeting, the Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag noted that introduction of the
advanced technological solutions in public services has been improving service
accesses to the public. Confident that this meeting would be effective in
reaching a clear understanding about development of e-governance, the Prime
Minister pointed out a need to study experiences of countries such as Georgia,
Estonia and South Korea, who have greatly adapted electronic governance.

introduced some know-how in public services, such as ‘11 11’ Center, public
service e-machines and non-cash traffic fee system, the Government for Reforms
has been paying a special attention to development of e-governance aimed at
improved communal services, Mr Altankhuyag noted.

Meeting Runs

March 31 (MONTSAME) A consultation meeting named “Law reform program and
development partnership in legal sector” ran successfully here on last Friday.

The meeting was
organized by the Foreign relations department of the Public administration and
management office at the Justice Ministry.

Addressing the
meeting, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice J.Bayartsetseg spoke
about law reform program, before the Justice Minister Kh.Temuujin gave
information on the present situation and further prospect of reform actions in
this sector.

After this, the
gathered received answers for their concerns from related officials.

The action
brought together delegates from more than 20 organizations of 15 countries and
staffers of international organizations in Mongolia.

in Ovorkhangai

March 31 (MONTSAME) Last Friday, the Speaker of parliament Z.Enkhbold and
accompanied him officials got au fait with a farm of “Alpine” goat in
Arvaikheer soum, Ovorkhangai aimag, within his local tour.

This farm
brought these 202 heads of “Alpine” goats from France in last year’s June for
testing to breed them in Mongolia. As of today, 80% of the animals have been
inseminated, the farm’s owner J.Davaasuren said.

The “Alpine”
goats are fed on pasture lands in summer and autumn, whereas they are kept in
warm places in winter and spring times. They need special care, and give 3-5
liters of milk, an expert of the Animal Husbandry and Scientific Institute
B.Beisin emphasized.

At an
initiative of the Speaker, an innovation project on improving animal breeds and
genetics has launched in Ovorkhangai aimag’s 19 soums. In frames of the
project, animals of some selected breeds have been brought.

The same day,
the Speaker legged a cattle farm owned by the “Arvaimilk” company in

By the
livestock census of end of 2013, Ovorkhangai aimag counted 3 million and 486
thousand heads of livestock in 17 thousand and 595 families, of which 1541.3
thousand sheep, 1574.1 thousand goats, 144.9 thousand cows and 19.7 thousand

Exchange Weekly Review

March 30 (MONTSAME) Five stock trades were held at Mongolia's Stock Exchange
March 24-28, 2014.

In overall, 197
thousand and 079 shares were sold of 49 joint-stock companies totaling MNT 273
million 104 thousand and 454.49.

"Sor” /75
thousand and 352 units/, "Remikon" /48 thousand and 354 units/,
"Hai Bi Oil" /23 thousand and 852 units/, "Hermes center” /17
thousand and 012 units/ and "Genco tour bureau" /6,072 units/ were
the most actively traded in terms of trading volume, in terms of trading
value--"Sor" (MNT 148 million 217 thousand and 319), "Darkhan
nekhii" (MNT 28 million 936 thousand and 670), "Tavantolgoi"
/MNT 21 million 843 thousand and 165/, "Gutal " /MNT 13 million 558
thousand and 650.00/ and "Gobi" (MNT eight million 398 thousand and

11’ Center Reports

March 31 (MONTSAME) Last week, the ’11 11’ Center of the Government received
about a thousand complaints, requests and gratitude.

Responding to a
question on tax refunds, the Taxation General Authority said that tax returns
will begin to get allocated within this March once the Capital city Taxation
Agency finishes revising over documents submitted on the matter.

questions on stocked meat sales, the Industry and Agriculture Ministry said
that over 10% of the meat stocked has been sold as March 26, in 350 places
permitted to conduct such sale in the capital city. Expanded sale is taking
place in larger trade centers such as Khuchit Shonkhor and Narantuul-2 every

Order for German Track Fasteners

March 31 (MONTSAME) According to news published on on
March 28, Vossloh Fastening Systems GmbH, of Germany, has won a contract from
Samsung C&T Engineering and Construction Mongolia to supply its MNG 30
fastening system for a new heavy-haul railway line in the landlocked central
Asian country.

The first
consignment of fasteners, which will be manufactured in Werdohl, will be
shipped by the end of the month, according to Vossloh; the contract will be
completed in the first half of 2015. The MNG fasteners are a modification of
the firm's W30HH type, used with concrete sleepers on ballasted tracks.

Vossloh says
that the MNG 30s are suited for handling the coal shipments on the line, which
will run from mines at Tavan Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait on the Chinese border.
They have also been adapted to cope with Mongolia's harsh climate and the
challenging soil conditions on the line, which runs through the Gobi desert.

Mongolian State
Railways (MTZ) says that it expects freight traffic to almost double on its
1,815km network by 2020, after volumes reached record levels in 2013. MTZ
carried 21 million tonnes of freight last year; it forecasts that volumes will
increase to 34 million tonnes next year and reach 45 million tonnes in 2020.
MTZ is a joint venture between Russian Railways and the Mongolian government.
The company was created in 2008 under reforms that aimed to bring
private-sector investment to the country's railways.

Early Warning System Tested

March 31 (MONTSAME) The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) tested a
new earthquake early warning system in Ulaanbaatar last Thursday.

officers set off sirens Thursday afternoon to instruct city residents on
protection and minimization of possible earthquake disaster and casualties.
NEMA had conducted this kind of test twice before.

earthquake warning system was upgraded three months ago under the Government’s
“Establishing Earthquake Warning System” project of 11.6 billion togrog. With
the assistance of South Korea, Mongolia made upgrades and built forty new siren
towers on roofs of tall buildings in the capital city for sooner reports of the
earthquake disaster.

The testing on
Saturday was especially effective as it proved the siren towers fully

The training
takes place in the fourth week of March of every year to check the readiness of
disaster warning systems and people’s awareness on earthquake and other

Economy Website Partners with Dow Jones

March 31 (MONTSAME) Dow Jones & Company, a 130-year-old American publishing
and financial information firm, has offered to partner with Mongolian Economy,
said last Saturday.

From this point
on, stories published in English by Mongolian Economy and
will be provided to Dow Jones Factiva readers.

Economy has signed an agreement of partnership with Dow Jones Factiva where
Mongolian Economy agrees to provide them with content on Mongolia to be brought
to readers of Dow Jones Factiva around the world.

Dow Jones
sought out a professional media partner to provide economic updates on the
country because of the world because of the attention Mongolia and its economy
have received. Their choice was Mongolian Economy because of our comprehensive
research and reporting on Mongolia’s economy, business and society.

Factiva is a
business intelligence tool with a vast array of global news, business
information and analysis from newspapers, magazines, newswires, trade publications,
websites, blogs, and curated social media.

In 2007, Dow
Jones acquired Factiva to extend the company’s suite of powerful
business-to-business products. Factiva products provide access to more than
36,000 sources (such as newspapers, journals, magazines, television and radio
transcripts, and photos) from almost 200 countries in 28 languages, including
more than 600 continuously updated newswires. 

Fashion House Might Launch in Mongolia

March 31 (MONTSAME) As booming fashion chain Karen Millen heads up-market with
new stores for New York’s Fifth Avenue and London’s Knightsbridge, it comes as
a surprise to hear chief executive Mike Shearwood also talk enthusiastically
about a launch in Ulaanbaatar.

A Britain-based
website reported about it on last Sunday.

It seems an odd
choice, but Shearwood is convinced the newly wealthy women of Asia are a key
market. ‘I had no idea where Ulaanbaatar was until one of my team came up with
a proposal to open a shop there,’ he admits. But he believes Mongolia fits well
with the strategy of targeting the world’s shopping elite.

‘In emerging
markets there are a growing number of independent women with access to money –
and they want to wear brands like ours.  In any country with natural
resources in abundance, there’s newly generated wealth,’ he says.

The edge of the
Gobi Desert marks an extraordinary new direction in the history of Karen
Millen, but it is a firm that has never failed to beat the odds. Its founders,
Karen Millen and Kevin Stanford, set up the firm in 1981 with a loan of just
£100, selling shirts to friends. A shop in Maidstone, Kent, followed and in 20
years it had become a household name.

‘We chose the
location to represent us in the UK as it is heavily shopped by international
customers. They come here and want to see the true evocation of the brand and
we’ve never really been able to give them that until now,’ Shearwood says.

‘We probably
have too many locations to retain the level of exclusivity we desire. So we’ll
look to slowly reduce that and get a balance between shops and online,’ he
says. But he insists the new flagship stores are not just about prestige.

‘We’re not in a
position to have vanity stores. Our pockets aren’t deep enough. They all have
to work and they all have to make money.’

Including the
one in Ulaanbaatar.

Fine Arts & Antiques Announces Display of Mongolian Bronze Swords

March 31 (MONTSAME) Metropolitan Fine Arts & Antiques has announced the
immediate display of Mongolian Bronze Swords, reported news on
website, March 28.

The swords will
be included as a part of W 57th Metro Antiques' European Collection, a vast
array of items from various time periods and locations throughout Europe.

The swords are
quite unique and each one features intricate designs throughout, though the
scabbards are handles are often the most decorative components of the pieces.
While there are several different types of swords on display as a part of this
collection, the swords themselves are Mongolian and feature many Mongolian
design elements throughout.

"We are
very excited about all of the pieces in this collection, particularly the
Mongolian Bronze Swords," said Irving Morano of Metro Antiques West 57th
Street. "Here at Metro Antiques NYC, it is a specific goal of ours to make
sure that we offer a variety of historically significant pieces both for display
and for sale. We feel that the many pieces within this European collection
accomplish that, as there is a great deal of variety in our displays."

Metro Fine Arts
& Antiques not only displays items, they also offer a number of items for
sale, including Oriental and European jade, both of which are experiencing high
levels of demand on the current market. Additionally, Metropolitan Antiques
& Gems W 57th Street carries a full line of jewelry, along with a complete
line of antique furniture, French hand-cut Lalique, Baccarat Crystal and a
number of one-of-a-kind items.

"It is
important to us that we present the finest antiques available on the market
today to our wonderful clients," said Samuel Morano of Metro Antiques.
"57th Street Antiques has long strived to make sure that our clients can
view and purchase a full range of antiquities from many different time periods
and geographic locations."

The company has
become known for their emphasis on variety, yet the quality of their
collections has never wavered. As a result, the metropolitan antiques store has
developed an excellent reputation throughout the industry, a reflection of
their many efforts in presenting the most exquisite collections.

people to learn how to drive

March 31
( Having a medical condition or disability does not necessarily mean
you cannot or will not be allowed to drive. Driving courses have been opened to
disabled people in Ulaanbaatar City, Darkhan-Uul, Orkhon provinces for the
first time in Mongolia on the initiation of the Center for Protecting the
Rights of Disabled People Mongolia. 

Due to the lack
of rules in law and facilities for disabled people, people with disabilities
are still not able to take driving courses. There was no rule related to people
with disabilities in traffic regulations except articles that allow disabled
people access to driving courses even if they are visibly impaired but can
recognize colors. People with speech and hearing impairments can access driving
courses under the guidance of a sign language teacher. 

Therefore the
Centre for Protecting the Rights of Disabled People Mongolia decided to act to
seek a solution for the disabled to learn to drive according to the UN
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The proposal was
successfully supported during an experts board meeting of the Traffic Police of
the Metropolitan Police. A petition for permission to conduct driving courses
for the people with disabilities was submitted to the Ministry of Education and
Science. In July 2013, new amendments were made into Traffic regulations that
allows the disabled to conduct driving courses by a vehicle equipped with a
wheel on the right side and an automatic gear box. 

employability is outlined in the rules but people with disabilities can learn
to drive when their physical and mental abilities have been determined based on
a summary by medical experts. 

intellectually disabled people and blind people are not able to take a driving

of Mongolia Releases List of Important Objects under Police Protection

March 31
( At the Cabinet meeting held on March 28, 2014, it was
renewed the list of important objects that require police protection in case of
attack that may affect negatively to public safety. The new list of important
objects under police protection is effective from April 01, 2014.

facilities are classified into three groups - First or “A” class, protected
24/7 under police management and budget; Second, protected under contract by
police or securities, which means object owner or roomer will pay the service
and the Third, some objects will be protected by police in case of emergency or
in urgent situation.

According to
new decision, some facilities were removed from the list of the “A” Class
protection and moved to the second to be protected under contracts with
security organizations such as the Headquarter of Mongolian National
Broadcaster, Mongolian Stock Exchange, Montsame Agency, General Department of
Taxation and Mongolian Immigration Office. In case of a conflict, these objects
will be able to cooperate with police.

Moreover, some
objects such as Erdenet Corporation, Gunpowder & Explosive Factory and
Warehouse, “Altanbulag” and “Tsagaan Nuur” (Tsagaannuur) Free Trade Zones being
protected by domestic military contractors were also removed from “A” Class to
the second, further will be protecting under contracts with the police.


Fools' Day to Be Celebrated with “The Best of Comedy” Festival

March 31
( Mongolian top comedy theatres and productions celebrate
biennial "The Best of Comedy" Festival since 2012 and the second
festival dedicated to April First or April Fools' Day is scheduled to take
place at the Central Cultural Palace in Ulaanbaatar on April 01-02, 2014.

At the comedian
performance that will be lasting over 5 hours of a single entertain will be
attended by Shine Uye Production, Mask Production, X-Tuts Production, Emotion,
Ungut Ineed Entertainment, TV-Cocktail and Dream Theatre.

Organizers are
pledging to stage their best pieces and a ticket costs between 35 and 40
thousand MNT (Tugrug), depending on a seat location.


and MNCCI agreed to Collaborate on Accelerating Intergovernmental Agreement of
Free Trade between Japan and Mongolia

March 31
( On March 31, 2014, Chairman of Mongolian National Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (MNCCI), Parliamentarian S.Demberel received in his
office in Ulaanbaatar the newly appointed Japan External Trade Organization
(JETRO) country officer in Bejing Mr. Yoshihisa Tawata.

During the
meeting, parties discussed the partnership expanding issued and negotiated to
collaborate in the following spheres:

- In the
frameworks of accelerating the intergovernmental agreement of free trade between
the Japan and Mongolia, JETRO and MNCCI are to conduct a joint training and
seminar on studying Japan’s and other nations’ experience on free trade.

- JETRO to
assist on Product Development Program on selecting appropriate export product.

- To organize
reciprocal joint exhibition.

- JETRO to
support MNCCI organizing partnership development with Hokkaido Prefecture,

- MNCCI will
release all supporting information in Japanese language from the second quarter
of 2014 that would helpful to exchanging information and broadening cooperation
between JETRO and MNCCI.


and JETRO to collaborate
March 31

National Report on Human Rights and Freedom in Mongolia Submitted

March 31 (MONTSAME) Head of the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR)
J.Byambadorj Monday submitted to M.Enkhbold, a Vice Speaker of parliament the
13th national report on human rights and freedom in Mongolia.

The annual
report focuses on making reforms at a policy level with aims to attract
attention of the State Great Khural, government, their associated bodies and
public organizations to urgent problems on human rights, to stop human rights
violations and to improve realization of human rights.

Since its
establishment, the NCHR has been presenting the report to parliament. This
year’s report reflects safety at the construction sector, forced labour, rights
of being employed, some matters of women’s and children’s rights within family
violence, and gender equality.

meeting between Mongolia and Lithuania

March 31
( A consultative meeting was held between Mongolia and the Republic of
Lithuania in Vilnius on March 28th chaired by the Deputy Foreign Minister

At the
consultative meeting, parties exchanged views on reciprocally raised issues of
bilateral cooperation on politics, economy, education, culture, and science as
well as regional and global issues. 

The two sides
also agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation to ease mutual
visa requirements, in particular to exempt holders of diplomatic and official
passports from visas, and collaborate on road and transport as well as in
sports in the scope of intensifying bilateral relations. 

Parties also
emphasized the importance of collaborating in the agricultural sector that
would contribute much for both economies of Mongolia and Lithuania, by
exchanging officials, sending representatives for exhibition and forums that
would boost bilateral relations encourage the private sectors

During the
meeting Deputy Foreign Minister D.Gankhuyag met Lithuania"s Deputy
Transport and Communications Minister Arijandas Sliupas to exchange views on
Mongolia-Lithuania transport development and collaboration opportunities in the

At the meeting
an invitation for Mongolia to the International Transport Ministers forum
scheduled in Vilnius Lithuania on June was also given. 

Both sides
agreed to seek mutual cooperation in the scope of Mongolia`s President
Ts.Elbegdorj`s initiative “From Big Government to Smart Government”.


to Cooperate with Center for Civil Registration and Information

March 31 (MONTSAME) The State Center for Civil Registration and Information
(SCCRI) and the Capital city Governor's Office have established a cooperation
memorandum on Monday.

Signing the
memorandum, the parties intend to bring public services closer to citizens and
make it more prompt and sufficient.

Under this
document, 42 khoroos (the smallest administrative unit in the city) that are
connected to united network of the SCCRI will deliver five kinds of
registration services to people. A total of 152 khoroos are expected to be
connected to this network within this year.

Informs on ‘11 11’ Center

March 31 (MONTSAME) The Chief of Cabinet Secretariat of the Government
Ch.Saikhanbileg informed on this year’s first quarter actions of the ’11 11’
Center of the Government.

During last
three months, the center has been accessed by ten thousand people, mostly
delivering requests (7 thousand 500).

Wednesday, the center has been holding online interviews with parliamentarians
and government members, enabling direct communication with 36 thousand people.

The requests
and complaints mainly focused on health and social services, state registration
and capital city development. The center submitted the requests to relevant
ministries and agencies, and received answers to most of them (82%).

The Secretariat
Chief praised Health Ministry, Finance Ministry, State Registration General
Authority and Social Welfare and Services Authority for their timely responses.

Meets with Kazakstan Ambassador

March 31 (MONTSAME) The governor of Orkhon province G.Zorigt Friday met with Mr
K.I.Kalybek, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic
of Kazakhstan to Mongolia.

During the
meeting, the sides talked about the ways of cooperation, and exchanged opinions
on this matter. Governor G.Zorigt informed that a forum on Mongolia-Kazakhstan
cooperation is planned to run next month with participation of politicians and
business delegation of the the two countries. He said Orkhon province wants to
collaborate with Kazakhstan in industry and technology matters.

In response,
Ambassador Kalybek underlined that Orkhon-based Kazakh people have become a
bridge enabling cooperation between the two countries.

Delegation of Defense Visits Mongolia

March 31 (MONTSAME) A delegation headed by Brigadier-General Pascal Ausseur, a
director of the French Defense Ministry’s Division of Arming for Asia-Pacific
Affairs paid a working visit to Mongolia on March 25-27, 2014.

On the first
day of the visit, the Mongolia’s Vice Minister of Defense Mr A.Battor received
the French delegation. Mr Battor mentioned that the Mongolia-France cooperation
has been boosting in the politics, economics and social spheres, and hopes that
the visit of Brigadier-General P.Ausseur is an expression of the French side to
attach a great importance to the bilateral defense cooperation. He highlighted
an importance of seeking all opportunities to expand the cooperation and to
closely cooperate in it.

Noting that the
countries have finally completed a draft agreement of cooperation between the
Ministries of Defense, the Vice Minister hopes the sides will sign it in the
nearest future.

In response, Mr
Ausseur thanked the Vice Minister for an audience, and briefed about the French
Defense Ministry’s Division of Arming and his duties. France is the only
country among EU nations to independently carry out this industry, he
emphasized and then expressed a willingness to collaborate with Mongolia in it.

After this
meeting, the French delegation was received by Brigadier-General M.Khurlee, a
department head of the General Headquarters of Mongolian Armed Forces (GHMAF).

Loan Application Total Reached One Trillion Togrog

March 31 (MONTSAME) Since commencing a low-interest housing loan program last
June, commercial banks have received loan applications totaling one trillion
togrog, said the Mongolbank last Friday.

After a careful
consideration over the new requests, the banks decided to grant mortgage
totaling 930 billion togrog to 16 thous.715 applicants.

During that
time, the banks have also received requests to refinance already awarded
housing loans of 845 billion togrog, which were delivered under the Government
program to stabilize the mortgage system of the nation. Refunding requests for
the loans totaling 499.7 billion from 17 thous.614 citizens have been approved
by the commercial banks.

at Asian Dinosaurs Symposium

March 31 (MONTSAME) Mongolian scientists participated in International Symposium
on Asian Dinosaurs in Japan’s Fukui prefecture on March 21-23.

Mongolians -Dr
R.Barsbold and Dr Kh.Tsogtbaatar both from Palaeontological Centre, The
Mongolian Academy of Sciences- delivered presentations on ‘Mongolian Carnivore
Dinosaurs Oviraptors’ and on ‘the Study of Primitive Hadrosauroid Dinosaur from
Mongolia’ at the symposium.

International Symposium on Asian Dinosaurs, Fukui was organized by Fukui
Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, Asia Dinosaur Association, and the Dinosaur
Research Institute, Fukui Prefectural University in commemoration of the
establishment of Asia Dinosaur Association on July 12th, 2013. The symposium
focused on dinosaurs and other Mesozoic biota in Asia. Through research
presentations, it aimed to provide opportunities of discussions and
interactions for those who are interested in dinosaurs and related
paleoenvironments and paleoecology.

The next
edition of the symposium is planned to run in Thailand in 2015.

in Stanford to Discuss Health Challenges of Mongolia

March 31 (MONTSAME) Asia-Pacific Research Center of US-based Stanford
University is planning to run a seminar to discuss overcoming health issues
facing Mongolia on April 9.

Speaker for the
seminar will be G.Baigalmaa, who Developing Asia Health Policy Fellow at
Stanford University, who joined the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research
Center (Shorenstein APARC) during the 2013-2014 academic year, together with Dr
N.Dashdorj, Founder and Chairman of Onom Foundation and a 2014 Sloan Fellow at
the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Average life
expectancy in Mongolia is 65 years, much shorter than that of other East Asian
countries such as South Korea (78.5 years) and China (72.5 years). Furthermore,
healthy life expectancy in Mongolia is even shorter, rendering the situation
even more tragic. The World Health Organization estimates that the healthy life
expectancy is 53 years for males and 58 years for females.

This colloquium
will provide an overview of health in Mongolia and its healthcare system, with
expertise from two speakers. First, Dr Baigalimaa, Developing Asia Health
Policy Fellow at Shorenstein APARC, will discuss her comparative study of how
knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors has influenced behavior changes in
Mongolia before and after the introduction of the National Cervical Cancer Program.

Second, Dr.
Dashdorj will present on overview of the healthcare initiatives of the Onom
Foundation, designed to mitigate excess and premature mortality of Mongolians
via knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship. He will report on a March national
health policy meeting in Mongolia’s capital and recent strides in health
improvement made with the support of the Onom Foundation.

“Mongol” by Uuganaa Ramsay Tackles Her Experience of Giving Birth to Child with
Down's Syndrome

March 31
( The launching ceremony for "Mongol" book by
Uuganaa Ramsay, a Mongolian national living in Scotland with her spouse and
three children, has been held in London on March 25, 2014.

Uuganaa Ramsay
is a campaigner against the misuse of the term - Mongol, since her newborn son
Billy was diagnosed with a Down’s syndrome and died aged just three months old
in February 2010.

In the weeks
following Billy’s death, Uuganaa began writing letters to her son, telling him
how much he was loved and how much he was missed. These letters led to her
starting to write a book in his memory.

Uuganaa first
started putting her story down on paper and submitted to Scottish Book Trust
project encouraging new writers as part of their Family Legends competition.

Her moving
story, Fairytale Hero, was chosen for inclusion in the Scottish Family Legends
book and the Memoir “Mongol” became winner of Scottish Asian Women’s Awards
with a ceremony held on March 13, 2014.

The reason to
write a book is described when a doctor said when Billy had just been diagnosed
with Down’s syndrome, “It may not be so obvious that Billy has Down’s because
of your ethnic background”.

Further author
commented, “Writing this book is about letting people know more about the real
Mongolia, its people, family traditions and culture. It’s also about helping
the world become a place, where people with disabilities and their loved ones
won’t have to hear the word Mongol being used as an insult”.

“It had been
considered normal to use the term Mongol from the 1860s to 1960, when the World
Health Organization officially dropped all references to the term Mongolism.
But here, in 2009, was a doctor showing that such prejudices were still under
the surface”, says Uuganaa Ramsay, who love saying, “I won’t change my child
for the world, but I want to change the world for my child”.

World Down’s
syndrome Day observes annually on March 21st since 2006. 

Uuganaa Ramsay
shares 3 facts, only 3 facts for people to remember about Down’s syndrome:

1. Down’s
syndrome happens because of the extra chromosome 21 (3 instead of 2)

2. Down’s
syndrome is named after British Dr John Langdon Down

3. Down’s
syndrome is NOT related to Mongol ethnicity


Book Published
Montsame, March

Rock Band to Attend Asian Music Festival

March 31 (MONTSAME) Mongolian ‘Khurd’ band is planning to take part in Shanghai
Music Festival that will kick off on April 28.

their 20th anniversary, the band is nowadays in Canada to perform for
their fellow country people there. In March, the band toured big cities of USA
to deliver live concerts for US-based Mongolians, before heading to neighboring

The band might
also give a concert during Dalai Lama’s visit to India, a local website says.
It says that the band has received an invitation to play during the
14th Dalai Lama’s visit to India on October 23.

is visiting Czech Republic

March 31 (MONTSAME) The Minister of Environment and Green Development S.Oyun is
paying a visit to the Republic of Czech at an invitation of her counterpart Mr
Richard Brabec on March 30- April 2.

During her
visit there, Minister S.Oyun is expected to hold meetings with Mr R.Brabec, the
Minister of Environment and Mr Ya.Krige, the Vice Minister of Environment.

delegates will be also received by Mr R.Bokhnish, a chairman of the Standing
Committee of Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament on Environment and other
members to exchange views on the matters about relations and cooperation
between the two sides.

Our delegation
will also witness process of the “Takhi (Przewalski's horse) reintroduction to
Mongolia” and other projects being carried out in frames of cooperation program
of development.

The Mongolian
delegation will also visit a control center for petroleum shipping, storage and
pipe line at Forestry Academy and Charles University.

members in Bagakhangai district trained

March 31 (MONTSAME) Members of the Citizens’ Representative Khural of the
city’s Bagakhangai district were involved in a series of trainings on
empowering members of Citizens’ Representative Khural (CRKh) and
self-governance bodies of localities held last Friday.

Launched from
June of 2013, the project on empowering members of Citizens’ Representative
Khural (CRKh) aims to improve responsibilities of the local administrations and
services, to let work out a national training programme for local
self-governance members, and to modify the legal environment of the local
self-governance bodies.

A survey has
been conducted among the trainees on what contents and themes should be
reflected in the training programmes, and majority of them suggested that seven
topics--the Constitutional and legal fundamentals of local self-governance
bodies, civil participation and communicating with civilians, organizing
meetings of the CRKh, the local budgetary and financial management, prevention
of corruption, environment and green development, human rights and gender--are
vital to promote the duties and responsibilities of the CRKh.

In 2013, the
training involved 2,100 members of the CRKh of Khentii, Omnogobi, Tov,
Bayankhongor, Bayan-Olgii provinces, the city's Songinokhairkhan, Sukhbaatar
and Bayanzurkh districts. From this year, it has been attended by the members
of Bulgan, Dornod, Dundgobi, Gobisumber, Gobi-Altai, Ovorkhangai, Zavkhan,
Darkhan-Uul, Khovd, Khovsgol, Orkhon, Selenge aimag, the city's Nalaikh,
Baganuur, Khan-Uul, Bayangol and Chingeltei districts.

Expo runs

March 31 (MONTSAME) In connection with upcoming construction season,
“Coordinate’ advertisement center hold a housing trade fair in Trade Union’s
culture center on March 29-30.

The fair was
attended by some fifty firms operating in construction, banking and property

The fair
enabled the business people opportunities to advertise their products in four
sections of standard, standard high, business and luxury housings, said
G.Tumenjargal, director of Coordinate Center.

bikes to appear in domestic market

March 31 (MONTSAME) A first ever bike factory is to open its door here, in this

A founder of
the “Nickel Ganba” company G.Dashnyam says that the factory will produce a
hundred bikes a day. The bike’s brand name is Zetro and will come in large and
small sizes, designed for cycling in the city. The factory is also planning to
produce a cycling helmet.

The Cycling
Ulaanbaatar project, initiated by the Mongolian Youth Federation, is
cooperating with this factory to support domestic manufacturing.

at world rifle-pistol cup

March 31 (MONTSAME) Eight Mongolian shooters are attending ISSF World Cup
Rifle/Pistol in Fort Benning, USA from March 26 to April 3.

Some events
have already finished, such as the men’s 10m air rifle, where Mongolian N.Bayaraa
placed 20th among 66 and the women’s air pistol event where Ts.Monkhzul of
Mongolia came 33rd among 47.

The Cup is
attended by some 430 shooters from 53 countries in 10 events.

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