Spiritual immunity and a symbol of unity

What is necessary for Mongolians during this time in their history? How wonderful would it be if our country developed and citizens lived happily with contented lives, right? The rapid economic growth in our country in recent years has amazed the whole world. A new construction project symbolizing our nation’s unification, renovation, peace and accelerated development will soon rise up. This is none other than the statue of the Great Maitreya Buddha.

The image of the Great Maitreya Buddha will serve as spiritual immunity and a symbol of our nation’s unity. It will be 15 meters taller than the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro; 14 meters taller than the pride of Mongolia, the Chinggis Khaan Statue in Tsonjin Boldog; and eight meters taller than the Statue of Liberty in America. It will stand with a 108-meter-tall stupa in an 81.2 hectare complex in the shape of the national emblem, and with a Maitreya Eco District for 200 thousand residents right beside it.

Project ‘Great Maitreya Buddha’

The Maitreya Buddha, originally sculpted by the Great Enlightener Undur Geghen Zanabazar, who made the artistic talent and spirituality of Mongolian nomads famous throughout the world, will be a 54-meter-tall masterpiece of modern art. The construction of the statue and the 108-meter-tall stupa is progressing in Tuv Province.

Mongolians see the construction of the Great Maitreya Buddha as a historic event made from the power of unity, a tourist destination, and a soon-to-be wonder of world architecture.

The project’s proponents first drew blueprints for the Great Maitreya Buddha and stupa in 2009 and the construction work started in 2011 after it was approved. In the process, they designed a monument that would be 75 times the size of the original sculpture, a part of Mongolia’s unique cultural heritage. The statue will weigh 372 tons.

D.Erembileg, honored artist and designer, is in charge of creating the design of the Great Maitreya Buddha statue. A mixture of brass, copper and lead is being used for the construction work, ensuring that it will withstand at least a century of exposure to the elements. Seeing that the base and construction of the figure’s legs was finished by the end of 2013, and parts made in Beihai in the People’s Republic of China are ready, we can conclude that the assembly of the statue will be finished by the end of 2014. American Chi & Partners Company is in charge of the blueprints for the project and ensuring the sturdiness and safety of the statue’s base. Mongolian engineers and technicians are working under the supervision of their consulting engineers.

Last year, construction workers poured 5,000 cubic meters of improved concrete and finished assembling a 600 ton framework. It has been stated that the base of both the Great Maitreya Buddha and stupa can endure a magnitude eight earthquake.

Everyone’s participation is essential for development

The information centers of the Great Maitreya Buddha project are located in Central Square and Gandantegchenlin Temple. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the construction of Mongolia’s new monument and symbol of unity. An estimated 32 million USD in investments is required for the first stage of its establishment. Currently, the company has received investments of only 10 million USD. Anyone can contribute to the completion of the project through public donations. A variety of incentive packages are being given to those who have contributed to building the Great Maitreya Buddha, regardless of the donation amount. For instance, those who have donated more than 500 thousand MNT, will not only get a 27 cm mini statue of the Great Maidreya Buddha but one of 108 thousand pieces of the Maitreya Buddha placed in the stupa will be dedicated to the donor. A Maitreya Buddha representing your family will light up every time you come to visit the monument with a special code provided.

Maitreya Buddha

Maitreya Buddha appeared on earth to enlighten people and share his teachings. He is the fifth Buddha of good times. The name “Maitreya” means Buddha of compassion and love, friendship and togetherness. In the teachings of Buddha, it is written that he comes to enlighten and give hope to humankind when they neglect the six virtuous deeds, and live in complete darkness after putting material goods before true love for nature and animals, in the confusion of seeking pleasure.

Development follows

The Great Maitreya complex is located 50 meters from Ulaanbaatar, on a slope of Zurkh Mountain where natural beauty can be viewed, and in front of Bogd Khan Mountain in Sergelen soum, Tuv Province. This complex will not only become a central spot for tourism but it also has the properties of a site that encourages a healthy lifestyle. Research for building a 110 thousand hectare Maitreya Eco District, designed for 200 thousand residents, is now in progress. The world’s largest man-made green area will be part of the project, and complete by the end of 2040.

For a future with better morals

This project started by the Great Maitreya Buddha Foundation is not just the work of 20 people, but a massive investment for the future of Mongolia. The foundation has made all the necessary preparations for this project and is now encouraging citizens to contribute. This project is being constructed under the auspices of the President of Mongolia and with the full support of the Dalai Lama. Moreover, within the project, a series of 108 Maitreya comic books are being published to teach children how to love one another and care for Mother Nature. It will soon be developed as an animated series.

For more information about the Great Maitreya Buddha project, please visit the information center located in Central Square.

Short URL: http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/?p=7441

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