Some temples and churches observed World Religion Day
Representatives from Buddhism-Dashchoilin Monastery, Christianity-Catholic Church, Judaism, Hinduism, Muslim and the Baha"i Faith commemorated World Religion Day together on January 14, 2012 in the Meeting Hall of Chinggis Khaan Hotel.
During the event the sacred writings of different religions were read and chanted and the representatives gave short talks on the theme “Humanity’s need for God”. Among the distinguished guests of the event were Ms.Eden Garde, UN Habitat Program Manager, representing the UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Sezin Sinanoglu, Mr.Tsedendamba, a member of the Council for Religious Affairs of the President’s Office, The Head of the Institute of Education Dr.N.Begz, an Honored Teacher of Mongolia Ts.Tuvshintogs, World Poet Laureate G.Mend-Ooyo and representatives of other governmental and nongovernmental and international organizations and individuals.
The underlying purpose of World Religion Day, inaugurated over sixty years ago and now regularly observed in over hundred countries in mid January, is to foster the establishment of inter-faith understanding and harmony by emphasizing the common denominators in all religions.
In Mongolia the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Mongolia has been commemorating the World Religion Day together with the representatives of different religions since 1999.
World Religion Day observances are designed to encourage the leaders and followers of every religion to acknowledge the similarities between each of our sacred Faiths, and to share a unified approach to the challenges that confront humanity which can then be applied on an ever-expanding scale to permeate mankind so that it can come to recognize the whole earth as a single country and all humanity its citizens.
The Baha"i Faith is the youngest of the world"s independent religions. From its obscure beginnings during the mid-nineteenth century, it has now spread to virtually every part of the world, has established its administrative institutions in over two hundred independent states and major territories, and has embraced believers from virtually every cultural, racial, social, and religious background. It offers to the whole of mankind a way to peace, love and unity which is satisfying, challenging and inspiring. "There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God," wrote Bahб"u"llбh, the Founder of the Bahai Faith.
Referred to as the Core Activities of the Baha"i community, which are open to all, they constitute a four-fold process of community development for peace and building a new civilization involving small community study circles, devotional gatherings, neighborhood moral and spiritual education classes for children, and gatherings for youth empowerment.
During the event the sacred writings of different religions were read and chanted and the representatives gave short talks on the theme “Humanity’s need for God”. Among the distinguished guests of the event were Ms.Eden Garde, UN Habitat Program Manager, representing the UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Sezin Sinanoglu, Mr.Tsedendamba, a member of the Council for Religious Affairs of the President’s Office, The Head of the Institute of Education Dr.N.Begz, an Honored Teacher of Mongolia Ts.Tuvshintogs, World Poet Laureate G.Mend-Ooyo and representatives of other governmental and nongovernmental and international organizations and individuals.
The underlying purpose of World Religion Day, inaugurated over sixty years ago and now regularly observed in over hundred countries in mid January, is to foster the establishment of inter-faith understanding and harmony by emphasizing the common denominators in all religions.
In Mongolia the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Mongolia has been commemorating the World Religion Day together with the representatives of different religions since 1999.
World Religion Day observances are designed to encourage the leaders and followers of every religion to acknowledge the similarities between each of our sacred Faiths, and to share a unified approach to the challenges that confront humanity which can then be applied on an ever-expanding scale to permeate mankind so that it can come to recognize the whole earth as a single country and all humanity its citizens.
The Baha"i Faith is the youngest of the world"s independent religions. From its obscure beginnings during the mid-nineteenth century, it has now spread to virtually every part of the world, has established its administrative institutions in over two hundred independent states and major territories, and has embraced believers from virtually every cultural, racial, social, and religious background. It offers to the whole of mankind a way to peace, love and unity which is satisfying, challenging and inspiring. "There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God," wrote Bahб"u"llбh, the Founder of the Bahai Faith.
Referred to as the Core Activities of the Baha"i community, which are open to all, they constitute a four-fold process of community development for peace and building a new civilization involving small community study circles, devotional gatherings, neighborhood moral and spiritual education classes for children, and gatherings for youth empowerment.
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