Live chat: Adventurer Tim Cope

Every intrepid traveller knows that to really find an adventure you need to venture off the beaten path, away from the crowds, and far from the cities.

But what would you do if you were caught in subzero temperatures? Or if you ran out of food? Adventure travel can sometimes be about survival.

Tim Cope is the only known person to have followed in the footsteps of Genghis Khan and lived to tell the tale.

Travelling on horseback for the 10,000 km of the Eurasian steppe, with only three horses, dog Tigon and the big open sky for company, Tim learned how to survive harsh conditions, loneliness, prowling wolves, horse thieves and much more.

From how to pack for a three year adventure, to what boiled pigeon tastes like, Tim is here in the Stuff newsroom to answer all your questions.

So if you're an adventurer at heart and can't wait to explore unchartered territory, scorching deserts or other unforgiving terrains, stop by for the chat at noon today.

Leave a your questions below and check back as we'll get started at noon.

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