Rungepincockminarco Ltd : RPM presents on reviving Mongolian mining investment at Discover Mongolia forum

RungePincockMinarco (RPM) is set to contribute to discussions at this month's Discover Mongolia forum, speaking on how the sector can revive mining investment beyond regulatory changes.

ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia (September 5, 2013)

Presenting for RPM at the forum will be Country Manager - Mongolia, Stewart Coates. Mr. Coates has vast experience in the screening and review of Minerals licences in Mongolia on behalf of foreign investors and is well known in Mongolian mining circles.

Mr. Coates said, "We're pleased to be returning to the Discover Mongolia forum again in 2013. I'm privileged to share RPM's experience in mining investment with the delegates at the forum."

"In my presentation, I will be discussing the status quo of Mongolia's investment situation, examining best practice government initiatives from other regions that have faced similar challenges and sharing the recipe for rapid turnaround and increase in mining exploration activity specific to Mongolia."

Mr. Coates continued saying, "In addition to sharing our thought leadership in the mining advisory space, RPM will also be demonstrating our suite of software at the event."

"Attendees will be able to get hands-on with RPM's full range of mine scheduling, equipment productivity simulation and financial modelling software, as well as our latest enterprise solutions."

Mr. Coates concluded, explaining that RPM was deeply committed to ongoing involvement in the Mongolian mining industry.

"Our commitment to the Mongolian mining industry is unquestionable. Aside from our local office in Ulaanbaatar, we have partnerships in place to extend and support our software distribution network. We also sponsor the operation of a permanent computer lab at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, enabling educators to instruct the next generation of Mongolian engineers in the use of the latest mining software.

"With so much invested in Mongolia, we're always eager to contribute to discussions about the future of mining in the region."

The Discover Mongolia forum runs from September 5-7 in Ulaanbaatar.

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