Nature, Human, and Mining in Contemporary Mongolia

An inter-disciplinary symposium on Nature, Human, and Mining in Contemporary Mongolia will be held at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan on January 20, 2012. This symposium will bring together scholars from diverse areas of expertise (both natural and social scientists) to promote sharing of knowledge and expertise from the field study on the human-nature relationship in contemporary Mongolia.

The guest speakers for the symposium are Julian Dierkes and Mikiya Nishimura. Proffessor Julian Dierkes will talk about the central role of resource policy for Mongolian development in the past and next 10 years. Mr. Mikiya Nishimura, the president of North Asian Culture Exchange Center-SHAGAA, a nonprofit organization, will talk about his field research among the Tsaatans, reindeer herders in Huvsgul, and the impact of gold mining on the livelihood of the local people.

Program of the symposium

Date: 13:00-17:00, January 20, 2012

Place: D102, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University

Co-hosts: Research Community of History and Culture in Hokkaido, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University and IFES-GCOE Global COE Program “Establishment of Center for Integrated Field Environmental Science”, Hokkaido University

Language: Japanese and English

13:00~13:10 Opening speech Ryo Takiguchi

13:10~14:20 Part 1: Mining

Julian Dierkes(Associate Professor and Coordinator, Program on Inner Asia, University of British Columbia) “The Central Role of Resource Policy for Mongolian Development in the Past and Next 10 Years”

Mikiya Nishimura (President, North Asian Culture Exchange Center – SHAGAA)
“The Rhapsody of Taiga in Mongolia: Gold and Money”

Dalaibuyan Byambajav (PhD Candidate, Sociology, Hokkaido University)
“Gold Mining and Origins and Consequences of Social Mobilization in Mongolia”

14:20~14:30 Coffee Break

14:30~15:30 Part 2: City and Suburbs

Namiko Abe (Graduate student, Environmental Science, Hokkaido University)
“The Expansion of Forest Pest Damage and Regeneration in the Mongolian Larch Forest Considered from Dendrochronology”

Ryo Takiguchi (Part-time lecturer, Hokusei Gakuen University)
“The Environmental Problems in Contemporary Ulaanbaatar: A Movement for the Improvement of Living Conditions in Ger-district”

Chifumi Ono (PhD student, Environmental Science, Hokkaido University)
“Land Use and Contemporary Pastoralists in Northern Mongolia”

15:30~15:40 Coffee Break

15:40~16:30 Part 3:Nature

Shin Miyazaki (GCOE Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University)
“Long-term Hydrometeorological, Ecological and Dendrochronological Monitoring over the Larch Forests on the Permafrost in Northern Mongolia”

Mamoru Ishikawa (Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University,)
“Representing and Enhancing Environmental Literacy to Share Knowledge – The Changing Environment of Mongolia”

Closing speech: Julian Dierkes

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