National Forum on “The Reform of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”, 5-7 September in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The Mongolian Ministry of Education and Science and the Mongolian National Commission UNESCO in collaboration with UNESCO organized a national forum on “The Reform of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, 5-7 September in Ulaanbaatar. The forum brought together 700 delegates from 109 national organization and 20 foreign delegates from six countries.

The purpose of this forum was to propose solutions to the current challenges of share experiences of other countries in the areas of science management, science park operation and innovation regulations. With the specific purpose of launching the formulation of a new STI policy informed by the experiences of other countries, particular topics of discussion include policy and regulation; state budget funding; sector structure; quality of research, science management and human resources.

In his opening remarks, the Prime Minister of Mongolia, H.E. Noroviin Altanhuyag emphasized the need to strengthen the STI and R&D capacities in Mongolia. He also urged the scientists and engineers to position their work more strongly towards solving challenges and problems in the country. Hubert Gijzen – Director and Representative of UNESCO Office Jakarta- in the opening remarks stated that « Science, technology and innovation are vital for crafting new approaches that are inclusive, rights-based and founded on solid scientific ground. Science, technology and innovation hold answers to key questions we must address about equitable and inclusive growth, about poverty eradication, about sustainable development. …. This calls for strong science to inform policy and for strong policy for science. »

UNESCO through its programmes in the natural sciences promotes and supports the development of STI policy initiatives, in cooperation with national governments and other stakeholders. The Organization fosters the integration of STI policies, as cross-cutting policies, into national development strategies and plans in order to catalyse Member States’ investment in STI as a driver of employment and sustainable development.

With the specific purpose of launching the formulation of a new STI policy informed by the experiences of other countries, particular topics of discussion in the Forum include policy and regulation; state budget funding; sector structure; quality of research, science management and human resources. Download the opening remarks here

Read the Science and Technology Master Plan for Mongolia 2007-2020

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