ASIA/MONGOLIA - The youngest Church in the world towards World Mission Day 2013

Ulan Bator (Agenzia Fides) - Many are not aware of the great progress made ​​to date by the Catholic Church in Mongolia, the world's youngest established about 20 years ago after the fall of communism.

The appeal of the Catholic Mission Australia for World Mission Day, which is celebrated on October 20, will focus on this young church. Catholic Mission has supported the Catholic Church in Mongolia since the beginning and contributed to the construction of the first church in the Country three years after the arrival of Mgr. Wens Padilla, Apostolic Prefect and first Bishop of the Church in Mongolia. On arrival, the Country mainly inhabited by nomadic shepherds, had little knowledge of Christianity, and was struggling with alcoholism, domestic abuse, very precarious public social services and extreme poverty. Today, all over the vast and remote Country, of less than 3 million inhabitants, there are 6 Catholic churches. During the months of September and November 2013, the parishes across Australia will share, as well as by mail and online campaigns, the journey of faith of Msg. Padilla. In a statement sent to Fides Agency by Martin Teulan, National Director of Catholic Mission, showed his appreciation towards the progress of the Church in Mongolia, where most of the followers do not come from Catholic families, nor had they heard of Jesus. Moreover, Teulan explained that one of the main challenges of the Catholic Church in Mongolia is the fact that there are no local priests and nuns . The first two seminarians of the Country study in Korea, and the Church relies on local catechists for teaching materials and methods for the inculturation of the Gospel in the daily life of the Mongols. Catholic Mission supports the formation and the work of catechists and seminarians, as well as many community development projects for those living in poverty. "I think the story of Bishop Padilla and the incredible impact of the Catholic Church in Mongolia will be a great inspiration for Catholics throughout Australia", concludes the National Director. Among the initiatives of Catholic Mission in favor of the Church in Mongolia, there is a DVD titled "I will build my Church". (AP) (Agenzia Fides 10/09/2013)

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