Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ The highest Hamba of the Gandantegchilen monastery D.Choijamts; and a State Honored Sportsman and Olympic champion E.Badar-Uugan have been selected as honored guests to watch an opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games and some event together with the State Head of Mongolia.

“This is great honor to watch the Olympic Games together with the President of my country. The Olympics is the greatest event in the globe. Everyone wants to watch the Olympics live,” said the Hamba Lama D.Choijamts.

The Olympic champion will go to London in order to cheer Mongolian athletes and to give his advice to them.

The Mongolian Post company has inaugurated new stamps dedicated to the London 2012 Olympic Games. 

The inauguration ceremony took place on Wednesday in the headquarters of the Mongolian National Olympic Committee (MonNOC).

Present at the ceremony were G.Chinzorig, an executive director of the “Mongolian Post” state-owned company; Ts.Damdin, the Vice President of the MonNOC; and J.Otgontsagaan, the MonNOC's Secretary-General.

The new stamps illustrate famous buildings of London, public transport vehicles, the London Eye, the London Olympics' logo as well as some events of the Games. These illustrations were designed by Ch.Bat-Erdene and B.Damdinbazar.

The stamps will be mounted in an international exhibition of stamps in London and will be stored in the museums of the MonNOC and the International Olympic Committee.


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