Mongolian news site calls Pinoy who ran amok in plane a 'terrorist'

A Mongolian news site has labeled as a "terrorist" the Filipino who ran amok inside a plane and attempted to open a cockpit door earlier this week.

According to a report of radio dzBB on Saturday, the Filipino was detained by the Hong Kong police after attacking two cabin crew members and demanding that he be let off the Cathay Pacific plane from Bangkok minutes before touchdown in Hong Kong at around 7:00 on Monday.

Cathay Pacific Airways Flight Attendants' Union chairwoman Dora Lai Yuk-sim cited attendants on the flight as saying the Filipino attacker may have had some mental problems.

The Cathay Pacific spokeswoman also said the incident was not terrorism-related.

The Oxford dictionary defines a terrorist as "a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims."

Meanwhile, a report of the Mongolian news site The UB Post said: "...a Filipino terrorist attempted to open the cockpit door and crash the plane."

The UB Post mentioned this in a report citing the heroism of Mongolian wrestler Zayabaatar Buyannemekh, one of two passengers who attempted to subdue the Filipino.

Buyannemekh immobilized the Filipino with a "neck lock" after the suspect reportedly attacked two flight attendants and held one of them at knife-point.

The UB Post reported: "Z.Buyannemekh is being lauded as a hero after thwarting a terrorist attack on flight from Thailand to Hong Kong. 216 passengers were abroad the Cathay Pacific flight 712 when a Filipino terrorist attempted to open the cockpit door and crash the plane. Z.Buyannemekh, with the help of the second pilot, stopped the man from opening the door."

GMA News Online sought the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) for comment on the UB post story calling the Filipino a terrorist. However, the DFA has not yet replied.

A report of Hong Kong's The Standard quoted an aviation expert who said it was "almost impossible" to open the door of an aircraft in flight because of the air pressure pushing against the door from outside.

The plane landed safely in Hong Kong and the Filipino was placed under arrest for disorderly behavior.

He was subjected to psychological tests and now faces charges for disorderly conduct aboard an aircraft. He will appear in Tsuen Wan Magistrates' Court on May 2.

The Standard said a Philippine consulate spokeswoman confirmed the incident but declined to give further details about the Filipino's identity.

Heroic deed

On the report of the The UB Post, wrestler Buyannemekh said: "I didn’t realize I did a heroic deed. I’m just a regular businessman. My family is from Khaliun som of Gobi-Altai Province. I am 31 years old."

"I was sitting in the second row, on the right side, and I was listening to music with on my earphones, then a guy passed by me on my right heading to the door. He tried to open the door, and the flight attendants were trying to stop him. And a moment later, I am choking the guy from behind, and after I took him down, the second pilot handcuffed him and he was restrained," the wrestler told The UB Post.

"With the help of the second pilot and the two flight attendants, I tied him up to make sure. Apparently planes have handcuffs and ropes designed for safety. Until the landing, he was guarded by a Korean fellow and me," he added.

Buyannemekh said the Filipino was "yelling and struggling, and was very unstable, he was even sobbing later. I don’t know if he wanted to commit suicide, or take down the plane. He didn’t seem to be drinking alcohol or anything."

He added that the Filipino "didn’t use any weapons. But the Hong Kong press reported that he had a knife. How could they have allowed a knife on the plane? Security should have been more careful."

Asked if the passengers congratulated or thanked him, the wrestler said: "Yeah they made a big deal, gave me a round of applause, and kept asking me where I was from, whether I work in the police or serve the military, or if I am a professional fighter. I was proud to answer that I was just a regular citizen of Mongolia."

Buyannemekh received a bravery award from the Mongolian government for his deed, a report in South China Morning Post said.

It said Buyannemekh arrived home to a hero's welcome, greeted by officials and media, and was presented an award for bravery by Mongolian Prime Minister Sukhbaatar Batbold Wednesday.

Batbold praised Buyannemekh for foiling a terrorist attempt and saving the lives of many people, the SCMP report said. - VVP, GMA News

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