Fiats "little monster".

Today's article is going to be short and to the point, much like the car I am going to be talking about. It is the new Fiat 695 Tributo Ferrari ( which means tribute to Ferrari). This car is basically a Fiat 500 Arbath on steroids, and Ferrari DNA.

Ferrari took the already quick Arbath and added a few extras to make it more like the super car. Firstly to put carbon fiber every including the door mirrors painted it in Maranello red, light alloy grey rims and ceramic brakes. They then added leather bucket seats, racing steering wheel and a flappy paddle gear box.

Under the bonnet they bumped the 1.4 liter turbo charged engine to 180 Bhp which rockets the little demon to 100 Km/h in 6.9 seconds and onto a top speed of 140 mph.

All this craziness gets you a truly awesome car, that handles like a housefly and goes like a rabbit with a rocket tied to it. However if you want one of these little beasts you going to have to fork out R 550,000, don't worry though it might sound step I hear if you by a Ferrari 458 Italia direct from Maranello in Italy,

You get one absolutely free!

Ronaldo. V.

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