Did DP pulling out of coalition government cause rising prices?

Some commentators have blamed rising gasoline and consumer goods prices on the DP’s withdrawal from the coalition government. Our correspondent asked various politicians if they thought that was true.

DP Chairman N.Altankhuyag: The accusation could be a political tactic

He stated that no minister or deputy minister has the authority to increase prices, not even Mineral Resources and Energy Deputy Minister B.Ariunsan or Minister D.Zorigt. He said the accusation that the DP’s decision has caused rising prices could be a political tactic.

MP Ts.Davaasuren: Interesting that the two events coincide

He said it’s interesting that the DP’s decision to leave the coalition government coincided with increases in the prices of gasoline and consumer goods. He said it could be related to the irresponsibility of DP minister B.Ariunsan, because the tugrik’s rate against the U.S. dollar fell previously, but gasoline prices did not increase to such a degree as they did this time.

R.Amarjargal: DP has nothing to do with the situation

He said the MPP routinely blames the DP wrongly. This is not a new situation, he said, and he noted that the DP chairman announced the DP was pulling out of the coalition a day before the gas price increase. He said the DP has nothing to do with the situation.

S.Erdene: Statements from political parties don’t cause inflation

He said that the Standing Committee on Economics is checking into the situation and it has asked Mongol Bank and the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority to research and explain why the tugrik is falling and petroleum prices are increasing.

He said foreign currency rates and gasoline prices will not increase because of a political party’s statement. For example, he said, Mongol Bank implements state monetary policies and the Government monitors any problems with price increases. He believes Mongol Bank has had the opportunity to curb price increases.

S.Erdene added that petroleum importers have used their monopoly to increase prices even when the price was stable on the world market.

D.Khayankhyarvaa: Politics could be behind gas price increase

He said the MPP caucus established a working group to monitor the situation. He said Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority Chief D.Amarsaikhan stated that Deputy Mineral Resources and Energy Minister B.Ariunsan called to discuss the gasoline price increase. D.Khayankhyarvaa said both D.Amarsaikhan and B.Ariunsan are guilty of approving the price increase without consulting the sector’s minister, D.Zorigt.

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