Coal reserve might increase

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, /MONTSAME/ As of today, Mongolia is being ranked in first ten in the world by reserve of coal. The proved size of the coal reserve is 162.3 billion tons. The size might increase and will be detected by advanced research.

Coal has become the biggest export of Mongolia. It used to be the main resource of energy before.

According to statistics, 7.5 billion tons coal is used worldwide a year. Some 40 per cent of them is used for producing energy, 93 per cent of energy resource is produced from coal in Mongolia. Moreover, the export of coal has reached here 28 per cent in the mineral resources export. The coal export is followed by copper concentrate (27 per cent).

Coal mines in Mongolia are extracting sime 20 million tons a year today, but are able to extract 43 million tons. The Mongolian coal is exported to China. In future, Mongolia wants to export it to other countries through territories of the neighbors.


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