About preliminary results of livestock census

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, /MONTSAME/ According to a preliminary census of livestock of 2010, Mongolia has lost 12 million heads of livestock due to natural disasters and infectious diseases.

This year, the livestock census covered the city's nine districts and all 21 provinces.

The National Statistical Committee (NSC) has given a report on the preliminary results of the census. It says Mongolia has 31 million 828 thousand and 900 heads of livestock by the end of 2010, with a decrease of 12 million and 191 thousand heads, or 27.7 per cent against 2009. The main factors of losses were extremely severe cold and animal diseases. The most suffered were Zavkhan, Dundgobi and Arkhangai aimags.

Number of horses have reached one million and 860 thousand heads, cow--two million and 123 thousand heads, camel--265 thousand heads, sheep--14 million heads, and goat--13 million and 528. The number of goat were less than of that sheep for the first time since 2005. The number of goat has increased in one aimag only.

Sukhbaatar province has become the only locality to increase all five types of livestock against the previous year. Khovsgol aimag has counted the biggest number of heads of livestock (three million and 72 thousand) followed by Tov (two million and 700 thousand), Arkhangai (two million and 631 thousand), Bulgan (two million and 211 thousand) and Khentii (two million). Tov aimag is the leader by the largest number of horse (200 thousand), Omnogobi--camel (83 thousand), Khovsgol--cow, sheep and goat (309 thousand, one million and 348 thousand, and one million and 265 thousand, respectively).

The NSC says it will announce the final resuls of the state census of livestock on January 10, 2010.


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