Mongolia will make a perfect honeymoon

FOR many couples, a honeymoon provides some relaxing time together to spend on a beach.

But one Oxford pair have decided to embark on something a little more adventurous.

Merryl Gelling and Phil Parle, from Iffley Road, Oxford, will be taking part in the Mongol Rally – a ‘Wacky Races’ style endurance race.

After their wedding next July, they will be packing up their belongings in an old ambulance and racing hundreds of others from England to East Asia.

Miss Gelling said: “I’ve known about the Mongol Rally for years – basically you have to drive to Mongolia in a vehicle with an engine no bigger than a litre.

“It was always something me and my friends talked about doing, but never thought we would. It was a joke at first when we discussed doing it for our honeymoon and it escalated from there.”

The rally raises money for charities in the UK in Mongolia through sponsorship money.

Miss Gelling said: “We’re raising money for the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation which works with disadvantaged children in Mongolia and the Oxford Cancer Centre.

“We really wanted to do something for the cancer centre because my dad was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2004.

“And he recently got the all-clear.”

In addition to sponsorship money, at the end of the trip, the ambulance will be donated to a Mongolian hospital.

Miss Gelling said: “Me and Phil spent a week in Mongolia last year and stayed with some of the nomadic communities there.

“It’s an amazing country, but so barren and sparse. The people live in big tents with all their extended familiy and gave us a friendly welcome.

“But their healthcare is virtually non-existent, so things like ambulances are in short supply and much needed.”

The journey will take the couple between four and six weeks. They are both self-employed, Mr Parle in IT, and Miss Gelling as a zoologist.

They are now on the hunt for an old ambulance and are keen to find local businesses and individuals who might be able to help.

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