‘Discover Mongolia’ mining forum will be held

Discover Mongolia, international mining investors’ forum, will start on Wednesday at the Mongolian Children’s Palace. D. Turbat, one of the initiators of this forum was interviewed.

Q: What was the mineral sector of Mongolia like when you held the first forum?

D.Turbat: Back then the prices of mineral products were plunged and many mining sector workers were laid off; those were hard times. Organizing mining forums and attracting foreign investment to this sector was hard to perceive.

Q: How would you describe the development of mining sector back then?

D. Turbat:In 2003 our country was just making its first steps toward opening up to foreign investment. OT and TT were just explored and Ivanhoe Mines was the main target of media.

Q: How many people are expected to attend the forum this year?

D.Turbat: Approximately 700 -800 people attended the meeting previously. In terms of this year we reckon that the number of attendees will hike up to 1000.

Q: What are the hot topics in mining sector?

D.Turbat: The TT is under the spotlight of both investors and media. Many issues concerned with its legal environment, government’s involvement etc are arising.

Q: What would you say to those in authority?

D.Turbat: The forum will be covered by such world class news agencies as Reuters, Bloomberg and BBC. This is a proof that Mongolian mining sector attracts world attention. Thus I would like our politiciveans to attach much significance to this event.

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