The Crossdrilled Manifesto: Under Construction [again]

So this blog originally started as a design project, messing with HTML and XML. Now design has become less and less the main focus, so it really is time for me to start blogging.

The plan for this blog is for me to share my interests and possibly even educate on areas that I'm kinda literate with. The main topics I plan to touch on include: cars/architecture/art/school/music and maybe shoes. But even before I can blog some more there is a hurdle [or 2]

The name crossdrilled comes from a type of brake rotor which has holes cast into them, not drilled, in fact drilling rotors are dangerous. It sounded cool at the time and sorta appropriate [crossdrilled thoughts?] Unfortunately the name is the only thing that has stuck with this blog, until now. My main problem is organization, I find myself starting somewhere planing to end elsewhere and eventually ending up anywhere. So one thing I've decided to do is to set up groups and guidelines to help ensure I stay on track. Here are some groups that I plan on implementing later on when I switch back to XML:

  • The Sounds of Science: The Music blog- music that I like goes here, headphones and mp3 might also go here [name comes from a song by the Beastie Boys]


  • Horizontally Opposed: The future of the automobile- this may or may not be arguments on what the future of the car has in store. New tech will be featured here, sometimes detailed sometimes not [name comes from an engine layout]

  • Diff Coolers: The cool car blog- As the name suggests only the coolest of cool go here. Usually cars or people that are cool by being different. [A diff cooler is a device that cools the differential]

  • Inboard: The auto info blog- mostly auto racing stuff, you may also find info on other auto stuff here [Inboard taken from inboard suspension and brakes which are usually found on racing cars]

  • Filikin Pins: happenings on the local auto scene [named after a fake automotive part made popular on WJ]. Local car features etc

  • Hello Corsa: The update blog- blog layout updates go here and probably some of my more personal stuff [Corsa: my name on WJ]

  • No Sleep Till Brooklyn: The school blog- all my school stuff goes here [Beastie Boys song, official anthem of bleaching]
  • Drawing Gears: The sketch blog- this [I hope] becomes a graphical dictionary of some sort, mainly composed of my own car drawings
  • Off The Grid: The idle blog- if it doesn't fit anywhere it fits here [named after another Beastie Boys song]

  • Top Gear: stuff relating to the greatest show on earth
OK this may not be a proper manifesto after all but the fact is these are my plans of the future and The Crossdrilled Manifesto sounds cool.

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