Skunny Kart

Released in 1994, Skunny Kart takes you on a wacky journey featuring eight characters (including Skunny himself) from the world of Skunny and a world of tracks. This game proves you CAN make a Super Mario Kart clone on PC. It was revolutionary for its time for PC users. Is the game any good, though? Find out in this blog post!


--- Skunny Kart ---

Skunny Kart
^ from: (YouTube) - Get ready for Mode 7-style racing with Skunny Kart!

According to something I read online through my YouTube friend CuteFloor, Skunny Kart is a game that came about based on a prototype called "Wacky Kart," which would eventually lead to the creation of "Skunny Kart" by Copysoft and "Wacky Wheels" by Beavis Soft and Apogee. Skunny Kart is basically Skunny's clone of Super Mario Kart. It was believed that the PC was incapable of producing Mode 7 style graphics like what the Super Nintendo was capable of. This was proven untrue as Skunny Kart was developed as richly as possible to deliver a graphical experience like what Super Mario Kart was capable of. The game features Skunny the Squirrel and seven other characters taking each other on in go-karts. This is a racing game sure to drive you crazy (no pun intended).


You can choose between eight different characters. The characters are designated mainly by their speed attributes- slow, medium, and fast. This essentially determines their characteristics as you race through the game's many courses.

• Potame (Slow)
• Ragi (Medium)
• Nacard (Slow)
• Gondra (Medium)
• Golfi (Medium)
• Skunny (Fast)
• Pussy (Slow)
• Handbag (Fast)

In most racing games of this nature, characters would mostly be divided by weight. And usually, the heaviest characters are usually the slowest but are able to wrestle around lighter characters. The lightest characters usually have a slight speed advantage but can be easily thrown around by heavier opponents. In the middle are the medium weight characters.


I played the demo to Skunny Kart in my own experience. I will try to talk you through the basic aspects of Skunny Kart.

The primary mode of play in Skunny Kart is in the races. There are seven different Cups for you to participate in, each with five tracks. Unless you failed Math or aren't a Math major, that's 35 tracks you'll be racing. You can compete in Battle Mode with three different Battle zones each with five locations. That comes out to 15 different courses. So in all, you have a grand total of 50 levels. This means you'll be quite busy indulging yourself in the action Skunny Kart has to provide.

The seven Cups all feature five different tracks with many different challenges.

• Australia Cup
• Europe Cup
• America Cup
• Japan Cup
• Africa Cup
• Germany Cup
• UK Cup

While each of the cups are named after certain international regions, you won't see any famous landmarks or anything indigenous to these Cups. So for example, you won't see the Sydney Opera House or Ayers Rock in the Australia Cup. Each race event in Skunny Kart is a six-lap race with eight competitors to a track (including yours). To advance through each stage of each Cup, you must finish 4th or better. You are granted three chances to clear each Cup. If you fail to clear every round and have exhausted all three chances, you must retire from that Cup and try again.

You can collect items during races to give yourself an advantage... or a disadvantage. Don't expect Mario Kart insanity, but a lot of race-altering items are available at your disposal.

One thing to be careful of... you may win a race, but not have enough points to remain high in a championship setting. Some advice you may want to take is to pick up the Bonus coins on the track to help give yourself extra points to win each of the Cups. Those extra amount of points can be crucial if you're trying to win a championship. Finish as high up the standings as possible, but make sure to pick up bonus coins to make sure you don't end up placing lower than where you finished the race. For example, you may win a race, but second place may have picked up a bonus coin or two to gain extra points. Despite winning the race, you may eventually end up finishing second. So make sure to collect those bonus coins to ensure you gain the most possible points towards winning the championship.

Another thing to worry about is making sure to collect the blue clock powerups. Those blue clocks will remove five seconds off of your final time. Try not to get the red clocks- which ADDS five seconds to your total time. Remember- you may win the race or place in a certain position, but someone you finish ahead of may have a better total time than yours, and you may end up placing one (or possibly more) positions down!

Remember these hints and do whatever it takes to win!


Skunny Kart includes three zones each with five areas. Battle Mode is a simple mode where you must defeat your opponents by popping their balloons. You destroy those balloons by hitting them with missiles or self-inflicting attacks by running into bombs and such. Once one has no balloons remaining, that character is defeated.

Now on to some Final Thoughts.

Skunny Kart: Final Thoughts

Skunny Kart represents something a lot of PC gamers think would never happen- a classic Mario Kart-style game with Mode 7 scaling and frantic action. While the original Super Mario Kart is a better game, this one is a more-than-worthy PC kart racing game. It may lack a lot of the fun that made Super Mario Kart a classic, but this is not a game to disregard or push aside. Only thing I think would make it better is being able to change up the controls for the game. This is otherwise a very fun game.

Video Preview.

You read about this game; now see it in action (click on the link to view in YouTube):

^ "skunny kart australian cup 1"

Maybe I've spurred your interest in this title.

This post is over. I hope you enjoyed it and got some insight on this old PC racing game. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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