Project CARS Thoughts

Project C.A.R.S. represents a total evolution in simulation racing games. The CARS in Project C.A.R.S. stands for "Community Assisted Racing Simulator," and it is made by Slightly Mad Studios- famous for the Need for Speed SHIFT games. Project CARS represents a quantum leap in racing simulation not only in driving and racing, but also in being involved in being a racing career. This game aims to challenge gamers through intense races and various disciplines of motorsport. The game will be distributed worldwide through a deal with NAMCO Bandai, and the team has even made partnerships with entities like the 24 Hours of Le Mans among others. What do I think about Project CARS? Find out in my blog post!

This blog post is NOT a review of Project CARS. Instead, it is a commentary piece regarding Project CARS. That is why it is called "Project C.A.R.S. Thoughts." This blog post is based on the status of Project C.A.R.S. based on the post of this initial blog post. I have not played this game myself to offer more detailed comments than what you are about to read.


--- Project CARS Thoughts ---

What is this game all about? Here is a video for you:

^ "Project CARS - E3 Trailer"

Project C.A.R.S. is a simulation racing game designed to run across a variety of platforms. Since this game is a simulation racer, you are going to get the most intense and realistic racing physics offered in a sim racer. That includes things like realistic driving dynamics and intense damage to cars. Look elsewhere if you're seeking any sort of arcade thrills. It is slated to be released in November 2014 for PC, XBOX One, the PlayStation 4, Wii U, and Steam OS. As you could tell from the various images, it is one of the most beautiful racing games ever made. It is almost too beautiful to be believable. The level of simulation offered is incredible.

The goal of Project C.A.R.S. is a great deal different from most other racing games. In most simulation-type racing games, you set your sights on conquering every possible discipline of motorsport. This game lets you take on the alphas and omegas of motorsport- kind of like what iRacing offers. You don't have to conquer every single element of motorsport offered in Project C.A.R.S. However, you can take on multiple motorsports disciplines to show you can succeed in more than one style of motorsport. I find this to be quite realistic. Any racing game will challenge me to try to conquer every element of motorsport offered. But what if I wanted to only concentrate on GT/Sportscar/Endurance racing and leave stuff like formula cars and stock cars behind? I wouldn't be penalized or belittled for choosing these disciplines over any other. Only disrespect I'd probably get would be from people who feel like you have to conquer EVERYTHING to be worthy of respect. The certain disciplines include GT racing, Le Mans Prototype racing, formula car racing, and stock car racing among others.

Based on what Project C.A.R.S. tends to offer and based on the last paragraph, I would likely struggle with the Formula 1-style stuff. My history with Formula 1 and most formula-style racing isn't very good. I don't have the reaction time and the concentration to pilot an F1 car in a game. I would probably be better suited to things like lower-level formula cars (like Formula 3 or IndyCar racing). I think in the Project C.A.R.S. package, what would be "Formula 1" is called "Formula A."

That is another thing about Project C.A.R.S.- not a lot of the stuff featured in the game is actually licensed material. Cars and tracks are given different names from what many of us are probably used to. I saw a few videos of Project C.A.R.S. as I was researching this game. Among some of the different things I noted was that there was a track called "Azure," which is the Circuit de Monaco. This game even has some fictional stock cars. People will still mostly know what they are racing and where they are racing regardless of what names are given to them. Look at rFactor, for instance. That game had a lot of fictional material including non-licensed names to tracks. Like Brianza in rFactor is the Monza circuit to the rest of us. rFactor's Formula 1 is Formula IS. So things aren't too much different for Project CARS in this sense.

I don't think my current PC (even though I bought a new PC back in May 2014) can handle Project CARS, so I'll just go ahead and offer thoughts based on impressions I've received from people online.

--- Project CARS: Final Thoughts ---

Project CARS looks to be an amazing game based on what I've seen. The one thing I wonder is if this game will mostly be looked on as all-show-no-go. It clearly has some of the most beautiful graphics from all the PC footage of this game that I have seen. I almost liken Project CARS in graphical quality to the Crysis series or the Far Cry series.

Most of all, it is great that this package will be offered for console owners who may not be as fortunate enough to have a powerful enough PC to play Project CARS. I think this will be an incredible game. That is... unless there are immense setbacks to really take away from having a truly ultimate experience. That doesn't seem very likely the way this game has been developed and how this game has progressed through many PC builds. You can never be totally sure, though...

The mantra for Project C.A.R.S.: "your journey, one destination."

For More Information...

For more information on Project CARS, I invite you to visit the following links to learn more or to get social with the developers of this title:

Project CARS
Project CARS (alternate)
Project CARS on Facebook
Follow Project CARS on Twitter!
Project CARS on YouTube

Thank you for reading my blog post. I hope you enjoyed your time here.

Want to discuss this topic? Here's my question to you:

What do you think about Project C.A.R.S.? Are you ready to play this game when its full version releases proper?

I probably wish I had the PC to take advantage of all of this, but I'm not too worried. I hope you enjoyed my blog post and my thoughts on this game. Remember- this game releases proper in November 2014 (pending some issues that would delay it). Be on the lookout for this title. Until next time, this has been another post of "John's Race Space." Thank you for reading!

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