Newera Resources update on Ulaan Tolgoi Project

Newera Resources Limited reported on its activities for the March quarter 2014 of the Ulaan Tolgoi Project in Mongolia.

Newera reports that during the period it completed a phase one drilling program testing the seismic reflectors interpreted to exist within the southern and far northeastern sectors of the license by seismic consultants Logantek LLC.

The phase one program initially called for two 300 cubic meter deep diamond drilling holes designed to penetrate through the interpreted late Permian P2 sequence into basement.

The company said that due to the recognition of strongly weathered basement in the drill core higher up in the sequence than anticipated, the program was varied to provide an adequate test of the interpreted seismic reflectors and the number of holes was increased to five.

The program commenced with drill hole UTPDH01 which failed to intersect any late Permian strata and was terminated at 152.6 meters. UTPDH01 was followed by UTPDH02, 03, 04 and 05.

UTPDH02 intersected a 85 meter thick sequence of unconsolidated Quaternary – Tertiary sand and gravel, underlain by semi-consolidated to consolidated Cretaceous fluvio-lacustrine conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and claystone with common molluscan shells.

UTPDH03 uncovered a 77.6 meter thick unconsolidated sequence dominated by pebbly sand, underlain by thin (1.05 m) Cretacous clast- supported conglomerate unit. Weathered Silurian-Carboniferous volcanic basement was intersected at 78.55 meters. UTPDH04 intersected a 150 meter thick unconsolidated – semi-consolidated Tertiary-Cretaceous sequence characterized by pebbly sand, Aeolian sand, and fine- grained flood basin deposits. UTPDH05 uncovered a 230 meter thick unconsolidated sequence strongly dominated by well sorted fine- grained Aeolian sand. Initial interpretation and modeling of the Ulaan Tolgoi seismic program results by Logantek indicated a number of strong seismic reflectors underlying lines A, E, B, F and D of the seismic survey.

The next step for Newera is to consider a change of focus to the northern sector where nearly two kilometers north of the Ulaan Tolgoi license boundary, black coal has been discovered outcropping on the edges of erosion gullies within an elongate sub-basin which appear to intersect the northern boundary of the Ulaan Tolgoi tenement. The Ulaan Tolgoi project is located in the South Gobi region of Mongolia – 100 kilometers from the Chinese Border.

In terms of coal, the South Gobi province of Mongolia is known as the epi-center of recent exploration and mining developments, particularly for coking coal and high energy thermal coal within southern Mongolia. The Ulaan Tolgoi License is a large license covering 43,000 hectares in area.

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