Li Keqiang Exchanges Congratulatory Messages with Prime Minister of Mongolia on Twentieth Anniversary of Amendment to China-Mongolia Friendship and Cooperation Treaty

On April 29, 2014, Premier Li Keqiang exchanged congratulatory messages with Prime Minster Norovyn Altankhuyag of Mongolia, extending their warm congratulations to the 20th anniversary of the amendment to the China-Mongolia Friendship and Cooperation Treaty.

Li Keqiang said in his message, the China-Mongolia Friendship and Cooperation Treaty has laid important political and legal foundation for the development of China-Mongolia friendly cooperative relations. Over the past 20 years, guided by the spirit of the Treaty, China-Mongolia strategic partnership has maintained a steady development with bilateral political mutual trust being constantly enhanced and the exchanges in the fields of economy, trade, and people-to-people and cultural engagement being increasingly deepened. All these have brought tangible benefits to the two countries and two peoples. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of China-Mongolia diplomatic relationship and the 20th anniversary of the amendment to the China-Mongolia Friendship and Cooperation Treaty, as well as the China-Mongolia Friendly Exchanges Year. China wishes to make joint efforts with Mongolia to further deepen China-Mongolia cooperation in various fields so as to push forward the China-Mongolia strategic partnership.

Norovyn Altankhuyag said in his message that for the past 20 years, the Mongolia-China relations have been developed and advanced in various fields, and the friendship between the two peoples has been further consolidated. Both Mongolia and China attach special importance to the relations and cooperation with each other, keep communication and coordination with each other in international and regional affairs. The Mongolia-China relations have become a model of state-to-state relations. Mongolia is ready to work with China to promote Mongolia-China strategic partnership for greater development.

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