The Bank of Azerbaijan got a chance to transfer money to Vietnam, Czech Republic and Mongolia

Baku, Fineko/ “Zolotaya Korona – money transfers” Service and the Bank of Azerbaijan OJSC expand their cooperation.

According to the Service, starting from January 5, 2014 the clients of the Bank got a chance to transfer money using “Zolotaya Korona” in three new directions: Vietnam, Czech Republic and Mongolia.

The service of instant money transfers “Zolotaya korona” is provided by 17 branches of the Bank of Azerbaijan in Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Ujary, Zardab, Lenkoran, Guba and Nakhchivan.

“Our Bank together with “Zolotaya Korona” offers easily accessible, secure and high quality money transfer service of the international level to our clients. The Service constantly improves its offers, taking into account growing needs of customers. Thanks to development of new directions our clients will be able to realize their financial needs to a larger extent”, - said the leading specialist of the Bank of Azerbaijan Fidan Atayeva.

The tariff for “Zolotaya Korona” money transfers to Czech Republic and Mongolia is 1% from the transferred amount. The tariff for money transfer to Vietnam depends on the amount to be transferred:

- less than $2 000 – fee $10;

- from $2 000 up to $5 000 – fee $15;

- from $5 000 up to $10 000 – fee $20.

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