Cruis'n USA

The (then) Ultra 64 had one game nicely demonstrate the power of the system of the system to later be known as the Nintendo 64- Cruis'n USA. The game would eventually find its way onto the Nintendo 64. This is a wacky arcade racing game that takes you on a tour of the United States. You're going from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. on this tour. If you're ready to go for a little drive, let me chat about Cruis'n USA in this blog post for all of you to enjoy.

About the Label: "Midway"

Racing games developed by or published by Midway are featured under this label. I will use this label to focus entirely on racing games from Midway.


--- Cruis'n USA ---

Circa 1994, Cruis'n USA was released by Midway in arcades. The future of gaming was becoming readily apparent with how Cruis'n USA provided such amazing graphics. Along with the usage of textured polygons like in SEGA's Daytona USA, Cruis'n USA offered a very unique experience with great 3D graphics.

The goal of Cruis'n USA was to drive a cross-country tour of the United States. You begin in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, and your goal is Washington, D.C. to hang out with the President of the United States (President Bill Clinton at the time of this game). Your journey takes you across the California coastline, into the Rocky Mountains, a visit through the Midwest, and eventually end up on the East Coast. You can race individual stages or run the entire circuit from San Francisco to Washington, D.C.


You can choose between four cars. Here is a description of each of the four main vehicles to choose from:

• '63 Muscle Car - a sports car resembling the 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray.
• La Bomba - a classic coupe.
• Devastator VI - a powerful sport compact.
• Italia P69 - a very fast Italian sports car resembling the Ferrari Testarossa.

It is possible (especially in the arcade version) to race other vehicles. For example, you could race a school bus as one of many hidden vehicles. Upgraded versions of the original four cars can be had by playing the Nintendo 64 version of this game.


All of the tracks are not actual roads and representations of each featured location. In other words, every actual stretch of road to each stage isn't completely accurate. These are tracks that all are inspired by various cues of each location. Your racing will mostly take place around locales like San Francisco, the Grand Canyon, Chicago, and many other places.


There are 10 cars to a track, including yours. With the racing all happening on city streets, you will have to contend with traffic on both sides of the road. You must drive through checkpoints to extend your time. You must drive from the Start gate to the Finish gate. Everything in-between is all about making sure you get to the line before anyone else does.

In the Arcade version, winning a race grants you a Free Race. 2nd or worse, and you must insert credits to continue. In the Nintendo 64 version, you must win to advance to the next stage.

--- Cruis'n USA: Final Thoughts ---

The Cruis'n franchise was established with "Cruis'n USA." Its wild pace coupled with some comedic value made this one of the best racing games of the '90s. This is a fun experience that has to be tried if one is an overall lover of racing games. You'd be hard-pressed to find a game that is as insane and as fun as a Cruis'n game can be.

Video Preview.

Here is a video preview of Cruis'n USA (Nintendo 64 version):

^ "Cruis'n USA (Nintendo 64)"

There was a video of the arcade version I wanted to feature, but I didn't provide that video because it provided some spoiler content.

So are you ready for the Cruis'n USA challenge?

--- Cruis'n USA Online ---

I can't offer material to the arcade version, but you're more than willing to get the Nintendo 64 version. Go get it if you have an N64:

Or if you don't have a Nintendo 64, you can get a Nintendo 64 with either of these:

You can also buy the Nintendo 64 version of "Cruis'n USA" from the Wii Shop for your Nintendo Wii.

Maybe you can get lucky on eBay and score a Cruis'n USA arcade unit. Try this:

Cruis'n USA (arcade) on eBay

Happy shopping!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Thank you for reading my post about Cruis'n USA!

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