Newera identifies potential coal sequence at Ulaan Tolgoi project in Mongolia

Newera Resources has discovered potential Permian coal sequence at its Ulaan Tolgoi project in southern Mongolia located in South Gobi Province, which also hosts the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine development.

The sequence has been identified by the company's mini-sosie seismic survey contractor following initial interpretation of the recorded data from the line B seismic survey on the Ulaan Tolgoi project.

The interpretation indicates the Late Permian sediments, possibly coal bearing, occur in a relatively flat lying package at depths of about 100m to 200m and are recognized as possible P2 units.

Two new seismic lines are being planned and will be acquired, stepping out either side of line B to determine continuity of strike of the interpreted Permian strata and to allow for the positioning of drill hole collar locations for future exploratory drill holes.

With Line A near completion, the company is planning to buy two new seismic lines that will step out on either side of Line B to determine strike continuity of the interpreted Permian strata while to allowing positioning of drill hole collar locations for future exploratory drill holes.

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