Mining companies to partner up for local development

Local communications officials of mining companies operating in Umnugovi Province had their consultative session on October 11 and 12 at Oyu Tolgoi deposit. Oyu Tolgoi LLC’s Regional Development and Society Division organized the session and over 40 local communications delegates of Mongolian National Mining Association (MNMA), Erdenes Tavantolgoi, Energy Resources, Tavan Tolgoi, Umnu Govyn Els, MAK, Khunnu Coal and Khuree Del attended the session.

Delegates delivered speeches on their companies’ social responsibility policies and implementations, exchanged their views and experiences, as well as discussed prospective partnerships. Global Practice Leader of Communities and Social Performance at Rio Tinto, Bruce Harvey, shared Rio Tinto’s experience on international-scale policy on local communications and implementation, while MNMA Vice Director N.Algaa spoke about Mongolia’s mining history, and called on mining companies operating in both Umnugovi Province and elsewhere to lead beneficial operations for affected area residents, as well as carry out responsible mining that doesn’t harm nature.

Oyu Tolgoi LLC’s Regional Development and Society Division Manager O.Enkh-Ariunaa said during the event, “As projects and programs that mining companies operating in Umnugovi Province are alike in content, it is important for us to raise the consistency of our projects and consolidate highly identical projects into one in order to increase efficiency. Therefore, we appeal to other companies to cooperate on projects with the same aim and agenda. To support our partnership, we have formed a central network, which was the main achievement of the session.”

The previous session was held by the Umnugovi Province Mining Association, and Energy Resources, and Erdenes Tavantolgoi will be in charge of organizing the next session in 2014.

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