Nations Apply to List Ancient Tea Path as Cultural Heritage

China, Mongolia and Russia jointly applied for "the ten-thousand-mile path of tea" to be added to the list of World Intangible Cultural Heritage sites on Tuesday at a summit in northern China's Inner Mongolia, reports China News Service.

The three countries signed more than ten jointly-initiated proposals to get the landmark listed as a World Heritage site at the second China-Mongolia-Russia Summit of The Ten-Thousand-Mile Path of Tea and City Development, which was held in Erenhot, Inner Mongolia, and attended by 31 mayors from cities that sit on the tea path.

Bao Chongming, vice president of China International Culture Association, said at the summit that the "ten-thousand-mile path of tea" is a historical and cultural resource of China, Mongolia and Russia. The three countries will continue to deepen cooperation and explore the rich cultural, tourist and economic contents of the tea path. The ten-thousand-mile path of tea was formed at the end of the 18th century and was in use for two and half centuries. The landmark starts from the Wuyi Mountains in eastern China's Fujian, which are famed for their tea, passes through several provinces in its heartland, then through the gobi desert of Mongolia, across Russia's Siberia and leads to the Middle East and Europe.

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