Former Mongolian Ambassador is being questioned

A Criminal investigation was re-opened on Thursday into former MP and former Mongolian ambassador to Kuwait, K.Sairaan. The Central Intelligence Agency began a criminal investigation into former Mongolian ambassador K.Sairaan last May amid allegations of high treason but the investigation was suspended due to his poor health condition.

Former ambassador K.Sairaan featured in secret profiles subscribed by the Deputy Chief of Barlou Secret Service of Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee (KNB), E.Tastanbekov. The profile contained information detailing “secret name Altai, given name Kadir Sairaan, birth year 1955, Mongolian national, Ambassador from Mongolia to Kuwait, used as PR, highly communicated in the country.”

In 2012 a Russian website posted the headline “Profiles of Secret Agents of Barlou secret service in Kazakhstan”.

If the former ambassador pleads guilty for serving a foreign secret force in order to harm the sovereignty, national security and defense force of Mongolia and to leaking state secrets to a foreign secret force he will face 16 to 25 years in jail in accordance with Article 79.1 of the Criminal law of Mongolia.

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