Administration of Land Affairs named most corrupted

The Sant Maral Foundation completed the Survey on Perception and Knowledge of Corruption, Study of Private Perceptions of Corruption with the support of the Asia Foundation. The Sant Maral Foundation has conducted survey and study since 2006. The survey involved 1350 households in 7 districts in the City and 21 sums in 6 aimags this year.

People interviewed in the survey named the Administration of Land Affairs as the most corrupted sector due to known corruption cases being linked with them. The Administration of Land Affairs has in fact been ranked highest in the survey as the most corrupted agency since 2006.

The Ministry of Mining was ranked the second and tenders followed into third place as considered to be the most corrupted. The State Specialized Agency and political parties were also named in the list. The survey by the Sant Maral Foundation was conducted in 2012. The results of this survey present corruption level at some state agencies such as courts and Customs Office, which were ranked higher in previous surveys, but ranked down this year.

The survey also reveals that corruption frequency is more usual in the education and medical sectors even though the take and give amount is small. The corruption frequency given to doctors and teachers is seen to be 14-48 times during three months prior the data collection had been conducted. The amount of bribes given to teachers and doctors is on average MNT 134,000-423,000.

According to the survey, most police officers, state servants and judges are named as bribe takers. Among them, judges take the highest amount of bribes. Respondents reported that judges take an average of MNT 2,364,000 MNT.

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