B.Tuvshinzaya: I started dancing to reveal my talents

The following is a short interview from Unuudur Newspaper with a student from the Music and Dance College of Mongolia -B.Tuvshinzaya. He is the young dancer who is performing in the Mongolian production of the Nutcracker ballet at the Grand Theatre of Tianjinn, China. He studies in the ninth grade of classical dance class.


-What role are you dancing in the Nutcracker ballet?

-I am dancing the part of the toy soldier. I am performing in the Nutcracker for the second time. I heard that this is the first time Mongolians are performing this ballet in a foreign country. Six kids from my class, and ten others from my school are dancing in the performance in China.

-Why and when did you decide to become a dancer?

-I used to watch movies about dance a lot when I was younger. My mother also influenced me a lot in my interest in dance. My mother’s name is U.Burentsetseg. She is a felt crafts maker. She also makes my dance costumes. My biggest dream is to become a very good dancer.

-Ballet is a very difficult type of arts. Do you sometimes feel like giving up?

-I used to feel very tired and wanted to give up at the beginning when I first entered the Music and Dance College. Now I would say no. Actually our school is quite overloaded as we have both general education and specialized lessons.

-How do you get encouraged during such times? 

-I say to myself, “Do it for your dreams.”

-Every dancer must have a dream to perform the leading role?

-It is not the time for me to dream such big things. I have to graduate from my school successfully first. We have to study one more year after finishing the twelfth grade. My short-term purpose is to work as a professional dancer at the State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet.

-Has anything changed about you since you started ballet training?

-I found out that classical art influences people very positively. I was very rebellious before. Now I am no longer being mischievous and I have an artistic sense now. I enrolled in this school to reveal and find myself.

-You live in your school dormitory. Do you miss your home?

-I have been living in the school dormitory for three years. I don’t miss my family that much. I go home sometimes. It is fun to be with friends at the dormitory.

-What is the nicest thing of the New Year’s holiday?

-Being presented with gifts and performing in the Nutcracker is nice. I celebrate New Year twice in dormitory and school parties. I celebrate it with my family again. But this year we’re going to China so I can’t attend the parties.

-Who is the person you respect most?

-My teacher Ts.Munkhdelger is my role model and a person who I respect a lot. My teacher always tells us to become good dancers.

Short URL: http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/?p=2312

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