Corruption Possible Cause Behind the Radioactive Licenses

The member of the Mongolian Parliament, J.Batzandan, requested to the Prime Minister that the Innovation Government needs to implement completely new policy on sector of radioactive minerals after listening to the information regarding the implementation of Mongolian Policy on Issues of Radioactive Minerals and Nuclear Energy at the Parliament Session.

He voiced his opinion and stated “Our country has only population of 2.8 million and yet 94 Licenses of Radioactive Minerals have been granted. It is too much for our country. This represents the widespread corruption and bribery that are possibly ongoing in this sector. The related legal organizations must inspect what companies have obtained the Licenses. I’m quite sure that there was corruption and violations of official power in license issuances. Uranium deposits have been discovered in both Dornogovi and Sukhbaatar Provinces. We must suspend their licenses. We, Mongolians, are perfectly able to live safely without digging our soil.”

Only ten members have attended the session and Member of the Parliament M.Batchimeg was critical of other members. She stated “When budget or monetary issues are discussed, the meeting hall gets filled with members. But when it comes to discussing the National Security of Mongolia, only over ten members are present at the session. I feel so sorry for it. It is absurd that politicians mention the National Security only during election period and this topic vanishes into thin air once the elections are finished. It’s been three years since Mongolia formulated a policy to implement in the Nuclear Energy Sector. Even an agency is established. But nothing has been done for the improvement of this sector yet and there’s no progress. The officials of the Nuclear Energy Authority of Mongolia informed us that the License Provision has become business for profit while the nuclear energy safety is remaining just the same. There are other problems connected to progressive researches and shortage of modern laboratory. I’m grateful that the Innovation Government is aiming to introduce redrafted policy on nuclear energy. Also, i want to express my delight to hear that there is no plan of establishing a nuclear power plant in the near future in Mongolia according to the Prime Minister. Building a nuclear power plant may have many risks and dangers. The decision to establish this plant must be concluded only after detailed research and complex plan.”

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