50 Power Substations overloaded

Ulaanbaatar city residents keep complaining about electrical cut to the City Administrative lately. Because electrical cut occurrence two or three times a day in the City cause disturb in some parts of the city. S.Tumurkhuu, the Chairman of “Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar electricity distribution network company spoke to our journalist.

-Electricity cuts has often occurred lately. What`s the reason behind it ?

-There were 33 power cuts occurred last week. The reason was facility fault. Most of the faults are cable line. Too old cable cannot bear the overload. And some companies cut cable line accidently during construction work. Only last week 101,102,109,110 cable lines of “Ulaanbaatar 220 substation were cut. Then electricity cut occurred. And another reason of cable line cuts is cold weather. When soil freezes old cables are damaged because of soil manner changes.

-Power substations capacity got worse?

-Currently our company`s own 50 substations have overloaded. We are working to recover capacity of substations. We try to increase capacity by replacing lower capacity transformers. Due to such replacements electricity cuts occurred for 30 minutes. And power substations in Bayankhoshuu, Vaar has already overloaded.

-Local reports say Ulaanbaatar winter preparations done. But if 50 power substations overloaded, could citizens relief without electricity cuts in winter time?

-Electricity demand keep increasing. Currently “Ulaanbaatar Thermal Power Plant cannot get rid of electricity cuts. We only can manage repair the damage since we the company could not have technical facility reforms. 80 percent of cable line is almost over 20 years old. And newly installed cable line in last decade is just 10.9 percent. Therefore we need to invest in the sector and update the whole engineering system.

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