Minister of Justice Received a Threatening Letter
The Minister of Justice, MP, Kh. Temuujin received a threatening letter yesterday afternoon from an anonymous sender. The letter was addressed “To MP Kh.Temuujin, from Tsamts, Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar City” without a return address and was delivered by the 46th post office.
The letter says “we see it as plain as the nose on our face who you meet, what you do and gather information from your surrounding bastards. They could not protect you. We will move faster while they are a loose end.
Your life will turn into a hell. This is not a threat, this is revenge on a man who had my life played. You will fall from the height and you will pay for your every stupid move. Time goes. We are many while you are poor and have no friends. A food poisoning or an accident will be next to you and we will next to you to watch.”MP Kh.Temuujin took the picture of the letter and envelope and posted it on his twitter page saying “This is only the beginning. I am likely to have more in the future but I will not go back on my reforms.”
Kh. Temuujin announced a press conference to journalists about reforms in Justice in 2013-2014 and a hospital for state staff members today.
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