EBRD delegation visits Mongolia for strategy consultations

The FINANCIAL -- A delegation of the EBRD’s senior management will visit Mongolia on 6-10 October 2012 on a country strategy mission.

The purpose of the visit is to hold consultations on the Bank’s new three-year 2013–16 country strategy for Mongolia which is expected to be approved in April 2013 by the EBRD’s Board of Directors.

Led by First Vice President Varel Freeman and Managing Director for Turkey, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Olivier Descamps, the EBRD delegation is expected to meet senior government ministers and officials.


It is also expected that the EBRD delegation will meet representatives of local government, private sector representatives, as well as representatives of the diplomatic community, international financial institutions, banks and civil society.

On Tuesday 9 October members of the local press will be invited to a press conference allowing Mr. Freeman to summarise his observations from the visit.

The EBRD directors will visit the capital Ulaanbaatar to meet existing and prospective corporate and bank clients and will travel to the South Gobi region to visit the site of the Oyu Tolgoi mining complex where the Bank is considering to provide finance.. .

The representatives of the EBRD management on this visit will include the First Vice President Varel Freeman, Managing Director for TEECCA Olivier Descamps, Director for Central Asia Masaru Honma, Deputy Chief Economist Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Senior Economist Alexander Plekhanov, Senior Political Counselor Mahir Babayev and Senior Environmental and Sustainability Adviser Jeff Jeter. As European Bank for Reconstruction and Development reported, the visit will be hosted by the Head of the EBRD Office in Ulaanbaatar, Philip ter Woort.

Since the beginning of its operations in Mongolia in 2006, the EBRD has invested US$ 600 million in 45 projects in different sectors of the economy, mobilising an additional US$ 1.1 billion from other sources of financing. To date all of the EBRD’s investments in Mongolia have been in the private sector. The EBRD operations in Mongolia focus on the development of the corporate and financial sector and on providing support for developing critical infrastructure.

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