China, Russia, Mongolia, South Korea to Promote Cross-border Tourism

Beijing, Sept 10 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of China, Russia, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea signed an agreement to promote cross-borders tourism, considered an opportunity to increase regional prosperity and security, it was reported this Monday.

The memo, also signed by representatives of the UN Program for Development (UNDP) and the authorities in the northern Chinese province of Jilin, is part of the Greater Tumen, an intergovernmental initiative that supports the United Nations cooperation in Northeast Asia.

This group serves as a platform for economic cooperation and promoting dialogue in areas of transport, energy, tourism, investment and environment.

According to Choi Hoon, director of the Greater Tumen in UNDP, the tourism industry involves many economic and social activities and, therefore, of interest to employers and others that promote closer ties and commitments of cooperation between governments in North Asia.

Experts say that Northeast Asia is one of the fastest growing destinations in the world and it is huge, the potential to establish tourism across borders.

Tourism is growing in this area of the world and particularly the Tumen River has great attractions of natural beauty and heritage.

Statistics from the China Tourism Administration indicate that Asia-Pacific annually attracts about 170 million tourists and half of them are traveling to the north of Asia. The rate of visitors to the region increased 7.7 percent from 2000 to 2010.

Representatives of the agency said that China will assume the responsibility of eliminating regional barriers and obstacles to travel and 'work with other countries to promote international tourism cooperation and make this area an attractive destination'.

The province of Jilin has developed 11 routes across the border in the last decade, while the neighboring South Korean city of Hunchun promotes the program 'Self Drive'' which since its introduction in 2011 attracted more than 30,000 local and foreign tourists.

Modificado el ( lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012 )

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