July 31 -- Newera Resources Limited (ASX: NRU) is pleased to provide the following report on its activities for the previous quarter;

HIGHLIGHTS – Exploration:


· Newera establishes a Mongolian bridgehead through an option agreement on a Mongolian exploration licence.

· A binding agreement was executed for the acquisition of up to an 80% interest in the Shanagan Project licence - located in Central Mongolia.

· The Licence is ideally located ~ 50km from existing heavy gauge rail siding which connects to the trans-Siberian railway servicing China and Russia.

· A greenfield exploration opportunity with outcropping Late Permian coal seams in the north-west of the tenement.

· Several historical trenches expose shallow dipping coal seams of consistent thickness between 1 – 5 metres.

· Recent trench sampling by Newera confirms bituminous coal.

· An immediate exploration program was instigated through contracting local geological consultants to undertake a 1:10,000 scale mapping program over the Shanagan project licence.

· At the end of the period, the mapping exercise was in progress.


· Newera received notification from the Swedish Department that its applications for two large licences covering copper/gold prospective areas had been received and were being processed.


· Work programs are planned for Newera's Jailor Bore (WA), Cummins Range (WA) and White Lady (NT) projects.

HIGHLIGHTS - Corporate:

· Newera establishes a Mongolian subsidiary – Newera Resources Mongolia LLC.

· Newera continues a campaign to source new projects in Mongolia.

Link to reportLink to cashflow report

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