“Green” President

July 6 (Mongolian Economy) It is an honour to know that our president has been named “The Policy Leader” at this Year’s U.N. Global Leader awards.

The U.N. Environmental Programme named President Ts. Elbegdorj as the recipient of this award to the Global Leader 2012awards held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Attendees from over 20 media houses from around the world proclaimed President Elbegdorj as the “Green President”.

“We are delighted to express our deepest gratitude to President Ts. Elbegdorj, who has initiated and enforced environmental protection actions in his country and at the international stage” said Achim Steiner, director of the U.N. Environment Programme.

Mongolia’s president has become a green shining star. Previous recipients of the “Policy Leader” award are Nobel Prize holder and former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, former U.S. President Al Gore, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed and Monaca’s Prince Albert II. What did the Mongolian president do to be awarded with such an honourable prize?

The Green Agenda

The change of grass and leaves from green to yellow is the first indication of autumn. But there was red, pink, white and blue everywhere as if colourful flowers were flourishing. The cheerful sounds of children are music to the world. Every year on September 1 is vibrant like this.

Pupils in their classroom wait for the bell to ring, signalling the break from classes. However, the first day of school in 2009 was somehow different and more silent. On that day Elbegdorj lectured on global warming at School No. 3 of the Sukhbaatar District in Ulaanbaatar. Since then, every year the president speaks on global issues with pupils for the so-called “Second Hour Lesson”.

There is a saying: “Planting a tree means a blessing for a lifetime, and two trees mean a blessing for the afterlife”. If two million trees were planted, how many blessing would that make? The president has established a national holiday devoted to planting trees. It is part of an initiative to plant two million trees every year. If each person planted 10 trees throughout the world, mankind would plant approximately 70 billion trees every single year. It is a good thought.

It is sad to see nature upheaved, and images of this caused by mining can be seen almost everywhere in Mongolia. Historic places such as Zaamar in Tuv Aimag, Uyanga and Bat-Ulzii Soums in Uvurkhangai Aimag, and Yeruu and Mandal Soums in Selenge Aimag have become just memories. Seeing one’s country turn barren, without flowers to flourish or water to flow, leave one with nothing more than emptiness. When 46 percent of Mongolia’s territory was regulated to mining, Elbegdorj sided with the environment when he ordered a halt to license granting. Actions such as these have made the president a leader of the world.

The president has initiated many environmentally friendly activities such as his introduction and later ratification of legislation to improve air quality in Ulaanbaatar, support for renewable energy and battle against desertification.

He is also an active member of many organizations that exist for the protection of the environment. For example, the president is a member of the United Nations’ council against climate change and the water resource protection group from the Davos economic forum. In 2010, the government organised its assembly in the Gobi and sent a proclamation to the United Nations. The water resource group has since decided to include Mongolia in its research. The first steps for cooperation have been taken.

Candidates are nominated by the U.N. Environment Programme, and later the winner is chosen after leaders conduct a poll. Voters said Elbegdorj has played a great role in protecting the environment, and introducing effective policies, and has proven his abilities to act as a real leader.

When Mongolia was experiencing rapid economic development, Mongolian Economy magazine was born, publishing its first edition under the name “Global New Trend: Green Development”. When handing our first edition to the president during the Mongolian Economic Forum in 2011, he said, “I am glad that such a professional magazine was born right on the verge of rapid economic growth. I liked the fact that this magazine focuses on green development and the protective use of water. Write more on green development”.

Now, the same people that created Mongolian Economy have created the Green Economic Growth non-government organization, aiming to educate citizens as well as policy makers on this understanding. We have got a lot to accomplish. Our magazine staff is glad to congratulate the president on his award. Let us create green development together.

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