Finally A New Era in NATO-Mongolia Relations

By Mendee Jargalsaikhan-Key Points

The implementation of the first Individual Partnership and Cooperation Program is a noticeable acknowledgement of Mongolia's sustained commitment toward democratization and international peace and security.

Mongolia's inclusion in NATO initiatives offers an opportunity for the military and security forces to expedite their transformation toward NATO-standard professionalism, and civilian control.

Mongolia's experience may offer lessons for Central Asian states, especially in its success in creating a democratic civil military relationship, civilian control of the military, military professionalism, and determined commitments toward peacekeeping operations.


Mendee Jargalsaikhan served as Mongolia's Defense Attaché to the United States, Chief of the Foreign Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Defense of Mongolia, and Senior Fellow at the Mongolian Institute for Strategic Studies. He is a graduate student at the Political Science Department of the University of British Columbia (UBC).

On March 19, 2012, NATO announced that Mongolia would implement its first Individual Partnership and Cooperation Program (IPCP).1

This will be the first IPCP to be carried out under the new partnerships policy, adopted by NATO foreign ministers in Berlin during their April 2011 meeting. This is a substantial change in NATO's behavior towards Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar has sought to engage the North Atlantic Alliance since the beginning of the 1990s, but until now has been left out from the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program, which was proposed to all former Soviet republics. Yet Mongolia is the only postcommunist Asian state whose democratization has not regressed since its peaceful transition to free-market economy.2

This paper explores the history of NATO's changing attitudes to Mongolia and the policy implications of the NATO announcement.

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