Google's self-driving car get's Acceptance in Nevada

Normally I avoid anything to do with Toyota Prius's and Eco Friendly Junk, but when I heard about this I just couldn't say avoid writing about it. In the short Google, oh mightly Google has make a self driving car, which is awesome But they built it on a Prius, not so awesome right? I know!

Anyway, this self drive master piece has been given the green light in the State of Nevada, for road testing and what what. Never the less some pretty strict rules have to be applied such as, Their has to be at all times 2 passenger's in the car and 1 of them must be situated in the drivers seat. Probably as a back for possible technical fault or maybe it just gets so smart that it realizes its a Prius and try's to drive itself of a cliff and an action hero must be present to stop it.. Who know's.. but the self drive car does have some nifty features such as.. It can drive you home when you are drunk.. Which is good enough for a Motorcarheads applaud!

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