China, Mongolia seek to expand military cooperation

ULAN BATOR - A top Chinese military official, Xu Caihou, exchanged views Thursday with Mongolian Defense Minister Jadambaa Enkhbayar on international and regional security, ties ofthe two militaries and other issues of common concern.

Xu, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission, said China-Mongolia military relationshave developed smoothly and healthily for a long time, no matter how the international andregional situations change and how domestic conditions develop.

Particularly in recent years, he said, bilateral military ties have advanced steadily.

China is willing to work with Mongolia to further enhance exchanges and cooperation onpersonnel training, joint exercises, border defense exchanges and peacekeeping in order topush bilateral military ties to a new stage, Xu said.

China always respects Mongolia's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and alsovalues Mongolia's development path and foreign policy chosen in accordance with its ownconditions, he said.

Xu highly appreciated Mongolia's friendly foreign policy toward China and voiced support forMongolia's friendly cooperation with every country in the world on an equal footing.

He also expressed backing to Mongolia's policy of forbidding the deployment of foreign troopsand the presence of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction on its territory.

Enkhbayar said Mongolia-China relations have been developing rapidly in recent years, withfruitful results in political, economic, cultural and defense cooperation.

Close cooperation between the two militaries will not only contribute to the two countries'national security, but is also important for regional stability, he said.

The Mongolian government always adheres to the one-China policy and will continue to do so,he said.

Xu arrived here Wednesday night for a three-day official visit.

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