Top ten craziest concept cars, ever.

Motor engineers have to work very hard to constantly come up with new invention and creations to entice people into buying their cars. Sometimes they come up with crazy ideas that actually work either by making the car safer or more fuel efficient or more attractive, how ever sometimes they don't work. Sometimes they come up with ideas so stupid and ludicrous that they can only be described as the craziest ideas ever and here are the top ten.

Number 10. (above)
The Mistubishi rally racer concept was not only spaceship looking design and crazy seating position the wheels are roller style made for more grip but extremely uncomfortable and stupid looking.

Number 9.
GYM Concept car.
As the name suggest this was and idea to create a mobile GYM. The absolute dumbest thing in the world, this man should be hanged by the toes and have cabbage thrown at him its about as smart as a blow up dart board. With a bit of carbon fiber body around it designed to look like a ww2 fighter jet and a chassis made by the same stuff as you guest it gym equipment.

Number 8.
Bowler Raptor.

Bowler has be a company always be very good at building tough rugged Dakkar crossing machine's, so naturally the next step was to try building their own vehicle, what came out is Bowler Raptor. Built to do the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 the angular body and aggressive looks make it the ugliest thing on the sand that has the fuel efficiency of the star ship enterprise.

Number 7.
Ford Ma.

Thankful the Ford Ma concept is not going in production but if it had the idea was to sell it as a kit car. Made with bamboo and old metal machine parts and a design made from speed racer it literally had a bamboo style roll cage so if you survive the crash you could still get splinters.

Number 6.
Audi Quattroflex.

The concept behind the quattroflex is "emotion in motion" haha the Germans said that. The relation between the horse draw carriages and the quattroflex is intentional cause the only way forward is back, it also has a central control joy stick so both passengers can use it and fun for gamer's.

Number 5.
Mercedes-Benz F-cell roadster.

Built and designed by over 150 student's and dual education system students this car is actually a beautiful car with sexy design and wheels meant to mimic the 1886 Mercedes patent motorcar. Unfortunately won't be built due to complexity of it's engine making it far to expensive and completely impractical.

Number 4.
NASA Moonstream.

NASA made this car as a 2020 future moon rover with all the latest moon roving gadgets and space for future moon roving gadgets. Now the dumb part this is why nerds don't do designs, they say the design is inspired by nature from the protective shell of a tortuous, aquatic form of humpback whale (is there any other form) and stance of a Giraffe. WTF.

Number 3.
TH!NK Frost.

This is the car an eco hippie Judge Dread would have driving if he lived in Alaska. It has a electric drive train and all four wheel drive and steering for all four wheels, made as a 4X4 sports car it even has the ability to widen it's tracks for better off road capabilities and radical tracks instead of wheels which do great on ice, snow and slug ( don't fair so well on tar,so don't expect any Fast and Furious driving).

Number 2.
Lamborghini Toro.

With it's symbol a bull and building tractors before sports cars it was inevitable that they would build an extreme tractor and here it is. Aptly name the Toro (meaning bull in spanish) it has the toy car appeal that would fit rite in, in a kids toy car collection or catoure tractoring. The idea is to combine the functionality and radical design of the Lamborghini design house, if you ask me it is completely idiotic but in a stylish way.

Number 1.
The Fiat Ducato Truckster.

For those of you who don't know Fiat also builds trucks and this is a very radical one. Looking just as comfortable on a drag track, race track or road this gorgeous Truck was designed in collaboration with Bosch, Behr, Sumitomo Group and Deneso. The truck was designed for towing race cars and motorbikes wile looking just as good. Features include humongous 28 inch chrome wheels, LED', smoked out glass window, hydraulic gullwing doors and an oversized double spoiler that actually looks like it does something, dam crazy Italians did it again.

Ronaldo. V.

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